View Full Version : Nervous stomach/hypochondria

04-21-2010, 09:36 AM
Hello, I am new to this forum, but I need to talk to someone. I am waiting to get into see a therapist, but its driving me crazy not being able to share with people who go through the same things and get their opinion. First off, I am a 29/f, married, have an 11 year old son. History of anxiety, hypochondria, etc. I freak out about my health ALL the time. Been to many docs throughout the years, and ER's, to find out nothing major is ever wrong. Im under MAJOR stress right now with my marriage and just life in general. Im always under some kind of stress. And I am freaking out about my health as I do on a daily basis. The past 3 days, maybe an hour or 2 after I wake up, I get a nervous stomach and then have to go to the bathroom. Its not diarreah, but its looser than usual. Sometimes I will have to go again later, but usually by afternoon I am fine. I have had this before but usually only happens as a one-time occurance. I usually go to the bathroom in the mornings, but now I am getting the nervous stomach before hand. It scares me, makes me think there is something wrong with me, and the cycle continues. I do this with every symptom I get. I know that more than likely its psychological, but can your symptoms continue even if you're not freaking out at that very moment, but still under daily stress and anxiety? I know its not a bug because I get hungry shortly thereafter and eat as usual. My stomach is the usual target with my anxiety, but it hasn't been lately, up until the past few days. I know I am going on and on but I just need some reassurance or maybe someone that has gone through the same thing? Also, I have coffee in the mornings, and i smoke, but i am trying to cut back on both, its just hard right now. I sleep ok I guess, I dont really wake up at night, but I could probably use more sleep. My biggest meal of the day is dinner, and I know I should change that. All these habits have been long term so thats why Im wondering why Im just now getting the stomach problems? Any help or advice appreciated, sorry for rambling!

04-23-2010, 11:57 AM
I would recommend that you go see a regular doctor for that. But if I were you I would not worry about it, as it does not seem like a really serious issue, but I could be wrong. Just relax girl!