View Full Version : timed anxiety

04-20-2010, 07:57 PM
so ive been noticing i get real panic feeling between like 9-12 at night right now its 10 my time and i can feel it coming im getting jittery and trying to remain calm and shrug it off and once it starts some nights it doesnt go away till im a falling asleep then i usually wake up nervous but then im fine most of the day unless i let my mind wonder. wondering if anyone else notices if the fell panic at certain time of day

04-21-2010, 08:51 AM
Yeah, at similar times to you. I wake up in a mess and in the evenings I turn into a mess. Mostly (but not always!) i'm OK during the daylight hours.

04-21-2010, 09:41 PM
High anxiety is programming. You keep doing the same thing over and over between 9-12 every night and you'll be anxious for the rest of your life. DO SOMETHING ELSE between 9-12!! Learn to play ukulele or take up knitting and practice like hell every night between 9-12. Give it a few weeks and it will be gone.


04-24-2010, 08:41 AM
thats the key change what you are doing.. my anxiety peeks from 4-7 i have two kids and my oldest gets home around 4 and thats when it all starts. High stress high anxiety come hand in hand

04-24-2010, 10:37 PM
That's right. But high stress is also habit and routine. There is always SOME WAY to change your routine. Ask yourself what you can change when your child comes home. Stress from that situation you mentioned always involves a highly negative relationship between you and your child.

I'm not judging you, I have teenage daughters I'm constantly screaming at so I know exactly what you're talking about. But I learned some important lessons about letting go while I was recovering from my anxiety disorder. I stopped being a control freak and did unpredictable things, like taking them out shopping when they least expected it or letting them eat junk food before dinner or not yelling at them when they left the lights or tv on.

Listen, the world's not going to end if you break your routine. It will be uncomfortable at first. Your kids will think you've finally gone insane. They will resist the change and will want to go back to the screaming and drama. But if you really want to get rid of your anxiety, you need to do the opposite of everything you've been doing so far.


04-25-2010, 07:10 AM

Habit definitely has a part to play.

However, from a chinese medicine point of view the night time relates to Yin-Coolness (from Yin and Yang). When we are deficient in yin (coolness), which is often the case with anxiety, we start to get these issues at night.

Also between 11pm and 1am is the time for the liver. The liver controls the flow of energy in the channels. It gets affected by stress. When it gets affected the energy in our body gets stagnated and can cause us to feel agitated.

Hope that helps :)