View Full Version : Visual problems, derealization and head pressure?

04-17-2010, 11:42 PM
I was diagnosed with anxiety 7 weeks ago and have been on Zoloft for 5weeks and have just increased the dose to 100mg.

Just wondering if anyone has had these symptoms.

My eyes feel tired, hard to keep them open and hard to focus. Sometimes I will splash my face with water and try to 'wake them up'.
I have a throbbing in my head, not like a headache more like pressure in my head. I can feel my pulse in my ears when I lay down and my head feels heavy.

My Counsellor has also mentioned derealization and I think I may also suffer from this as sometimes I just feel like what is going on isn't real. Like I can see everything going on but feel like I need to sort of wash my face with cold water and 'snap' back into life.

I have had an MRI and that was all fine. Have had my eyes tested and they are also fine.

I can feel the Zoloft is working but since I increased the dosage I feel I have stepped back a little because of the side effects (heart racing, headaches, iritability). I am sure in a couple of days though that will go and hopefully I will be able to get back on track.

Would love to heard from anyone that can give me a little insight into this. As this is still all very new to me I am finding it hard to understand what is going on.

I had stopped driving and going to the shops, have just started to get back into this week. Only driving locally and just getting a handful of groceries though.

04-19-2010, 05:02 AM
To me it sounds like anxiety and also are you fully adjusted to the Zoloft?
Derealization is scary as hell, I used to have it all the time. It does go away, you just have to do your best to carry on with what you're doing and don't pay too much attention to it.

When your body is anxious, the adrenaline and other chemicals are surging throughout your system causing a tiny pause between thinking and doing and The result is that reality seems altered.

Good luck,

04-19-2010, 06:40 AM
Yes. My eyes often feel like that since starting lexapro. It starts about 24 hours after I increase the dose. By the time I am on the same dose after 6 days it has pretty much gone away, although I find myself pretty sleepy at night now and my eyes just feel more tired than usual. I figure it's because I am finally able to relax at night, where before, I had alot of anxiety at night. I also get the derealization as well, but that diminishes too. Thankfully I just upped to the final dose so I should be feeling good in a few days. These meds can cause eye dryness, aching, and pupil dialation while adjusting but the side effects go away as your body adjusts. Just take it slow and know its normal and OKAY. I also had the head pressure and heartbeat in my ears as well. That will also get better as you adjust, but I have always been able to hear my heartbeat when my head is against my pillow. I was worried that these might be because of an increase in BP, but had mine taken while I was feeling it and my BP was completely normal. HTH

04-20-2010, 08:12 PM
Thanks for your replies.

After seeing the cousellor again yesterday I do indeed think it is derealization or disasociation.

I don't think I am fully adjusted to the Zoloft yet either so I think I just need to give it time. I have read alot that it takes about 6 weeks for the drugs to kick in so am hoping this time next week I will be much better.