View Full Version : Weird dizzy off balance feeling

04-17-2010, 04:02 PM
Does anyone else who gets over-stressed sometimes experience a feeling of walking off-balance or feeling like you cant stand up or walk for long periods of time because you may feel like you might fall? sometimes i feel that i am walking and the floor is moving up or down or if i move my arms or legs in a certain way it feels "weird" this symptom is so hard to explain. I feel so alone sometimes, ive been to the doctor several times and have been told that this is caused by anxiety/stress/poor posture. I have made an appointment to go in for physical therapy. I truly hope it helps but in the mean time, i do feel alone because i dont know anyone who has had something like this and im hoping that theres someone out there who understands.

Just Life
04-18-2010, 07:55 AM
Check for orthostatic intolerance online, there are ways to help it. Worked for me :)

04-18-2010, 12:12 PM
Hey worrier,

My girlfriend actually experienced something like this just the other day. She was in Sears looking at clothes when all of the sudden the whole room started moving and she had to practically lay down on the floor with her eyes closed for about 15 minutes to get over it. She had me bring her food and a drink (sugar) and she felt better as soon as she had it. So I would be careful about not eating for long periods of times as this can definitely cause this.

Other than that pregnancy is another possibility. She actually now has even more anxiety and panic attacks because she is now panicking about getting dizzy like that again because it really scarred her. But she has been making sure to eat meals every few hours at the least and it hasn't happened since, so I hope this helps you.

04-20-2010, 11:39 AM
i get the feeling of the room spinning a lot lately...i started feeling it at work so i went to a urgent care...they treated me for a sinus infection but i still get it...now i went to a ent and they said that it is probably a inner ear....i believe it may be all anxiety...i have had this before but could manage it and go on with my life..now i have more episodes which is causing me to not want to go anywhere...i also get bad panick attakcs because of this...i am only 22 m....anyone else have this

04-21-2010, 06:43 AM
Yeah, since my anxiety started I feel like I might fall over all the time. Sometimes like one of my limbs might float off. ..

04-28-2010, 07:58 AM
This happened to me too and turned out to be an anxiety symptom and a side effect of the medication that I was on. It's a form of vertigo and can be very scary. I once went to a basketball game and walked up and sat down on the bleachers. This feeling started and I was literally "stuck" where I was because I was terrified if I got up and tried to walk down I would fall and break my neck. As soon as I got control of my anxiety and stopped the offending meds, it stopped - whew.