View Full Version : Antianxiety Techniques- any recommendations?

04-17-2010, 10:46 AM
Hi everyone :)

I'm looking for anti anxiety treatments..does anyone have any reccomendations? Ideally i'd like them to be recordings - i tend to get anxious reading stuff like this and it doesnt go in:S

I'm currently thinking about buying the linden method as its the one which seems most popular. does anyone have any experience with using this method?

I'd say i suffer from mild to moderate anxiety. Usually when i wake up i feel terrible (pounding heart, shakes, worrying over why i'm getting into such as state etc) usually I'm ok after a few hours at work when i seem to settle into things. When i have something big on eg public speaking i'll take 10-40mg of propranolol but i hate having to rely on it so stop my panic attakcs.

When i go out at weekends i'm always thinking about who will i see and if i see them what shall i say to them. I sort of rehearse most things and at times it can be an effort to go to the supermarket etc.

My friends dont know about my anxiety and I'd like to keep it that way...are any of these products packaged in obvious packaging? I'd hate to have a parcel delivered emblazoned with THE LINDEN METHOD :S

Hope you can help,


04-17-2010, 02:31 PM
I am personally in therapy, but there is a user on here (not sure if you can search for users on here), but anyway, his username is Palow, and is a big fan of The Linden Method and is going to actually create a website, sort of a tribute to the method. Let me know if you find him, and if not, I can put you in contact with him. :D

04-21-2010, 05:01 AM
Hi this is Patrick, or Palow.

I did the Linden Method and it is very structured and complex. It is based on diversion and at first you might have to phone in to get suggestions on the right diversion for you. Their phone support is great. Their email support not so great.

You have to follow instructions very closely. Give yourself about 3 months to see results if you have a bad case of anxiety. That's how long it took me. Sorry, but these things take time.

The package comes with recordings! and good ones too. There's a beach visualisation and a garden/cloud visualisation--done as both hypnotherapy and guided meditation. They are SOOO relaxing.

Hey, don't worry about other people finding out if you have anxiety. Guess what--they probably already know. Here's the first step to recovery: don't give a damn what other people think.

My website is more or less complete. If you want to see my full review, you can click on the link under my name.
