View Full Version : Hi :)

04-17-2010, 10:46 AM
Hi Everyone :)

I've joined this forum because i've decided I don't want to feel like this anymore and am ready to 'take the plunge'.

I've always had a bit of anxiety but in the past 2 years it has become at times unbearable - to the extent that its always on my mind and i just can't relax. Most of the time it comes from nowhere. My panic attacks mean that sometimes i dont want to get into situations - eg supermarkets - where i might have one.

I haven't told any of my friends about this problem - no one seems to notice because i can put a 'front' most of the time. I'm hoping by joining this forum i can have some support and also help others with similar problems.

When i was about 10-12 years old I had very bad OCD. My triggers were mainly contamination with bacteria and rituals such as handwashing etc. I'm now a microbiologist and find the topic v interesting! So i'm happy to help people with overcoming OCD - even if this was a long time ago to

As for my interests I love travelling with my friends - this seems to be the only time where my anxiety disappears and i can totally relax. I also enjoy outdoor activities, keeping fit and socialising.

