View Full Version : Anyone have twitches that make whole parts move?

04-13-2010, 11:00 AM
I know I already posted something along these lines but I wasn't sure if I conveyed my question clearly. I know that muscle twitching, tingling are symptoms of anxiety put mine are a bit odd. I get the little twitches that everyone here describes as well but I also get limb twitches (if that makes sense) It could be my foot will just move or my leg will jump or my wrist might move odd. Lol it is kind of like when you jerk awake just before going to sleep but it is while i am awake. Anyone experience anything like that? I think I might have had these when i was a kid too but not sure if i am remembering correctly or if this is a common anxiety problem. LOL as I wrote that my back suddenly jerked a little and i rocked. ~.~

04-13-2010, 12:11 PM
well I always have twitches but none like the ones you describe but surely it has to do with the whole anxiety thing. The worst twitches that I probably had are eye twitching, my eye would not stop but thankfully I haven't gotten any of those in a while.

04-14-2010, 06:00 AM
Hi Vanphelan,

I suffered with twitching, jerks and tingling with my anxiety. I have suffered with anxiety for a long time which was very mild and undiagnosed. Last year I had an attack whilst overseas and it really scared me. Twitching, numbness, jerks etc. They seemed to be bad whilst i was trying to fall asleep. I would jerk awake, my hand would move, foot and other parts. I was assured by the doctor it was anxiety. This would also happen during the day whilst I was trying to live a normal life. I saw a physciologist and had CBT treatment. I has worked. I've never slept so good. My life is back on track. Keep positive. Exercise everyday. Forget those worries about the twitching etc. If you stop worrying about them, they will eventually go away. I know it sounds easy, but truely it will. Goodluck.

04-15-2010, 11:58 AM
hi i dont get ones like you describe but i get like muscle spasms i guess there called last night from my shoulder to my elbow was shaking and moving just weird feeling it sucks

Just Life
04-18-2010, 08:12 AM
Sounds like restless legs syndrome to me, one of the sleep disorders. Physicians have prescriptions for it, only to get them is a problem, one may have to visit specialists for that. Mild muscle relaxants and herbal sleep remedies may help too.