View Full Version : I'm trying to understand

04-12-2010, 04:09 PM
I have only just recently thought about me having anxiety problems, although I believe they have been going on since I was in primary school (im 18 now). I have always worried constantly, about nothing and everything. Everytime someone I love goes anywhere, even if its just to the shop, then I panic, especially if they are late. I can't even go into a room first, someone has to go in front of me.
I used to go to school about 0-3 days a week. This went on for 5 years. I couldn't handle the stress of homework or bullies, and I would cause so much trouble for my mum. I would always feel sick and nervous and would have such crying fits. I feel silly talking about it now, my school problems were what everyone had to deal with in school, but I felt too depressed and ill to even think about going at all. Teachers had to talk to my mum about it, we went to so many meetings with them that would only make things worse.
I have only just recently got a job, the interview made me sweaty and nervous. I can't imagine how much I blushed. But I managed to get the job, but now just working on the till, I become so nervous that I feel like I might faint. It's such an awful experience, it makes me not want to go to work at all. I have to work, which is the worst thing, I wish so much that I didn't so that I wouldn't get so panicky. My boss is really lovely, but I can't even talk to her about it, I think I'm scared she won't understand or will fire me or something.
I'm even too scared to go to the doctor about it. I feel pathetic when I think about it, but I honestly don't want to phone up or go and see him. I don't even know what I'm scared of!
Please help, I don't know what to do with myself! I have a lot of other things to say, but I feel I have said enough for a minute! I feel very alone at the moment.

04-12-2010, 09:10 PM
Hello, I'm only 2 years older than you and i'm pretty much in the same situation as you, I know it is difficult especially when you feel weird (not like yourself) or afraid without knowing the reason. I completely understand when you say you don't feel comfortable going to the doctor and telling him about it but if this is already interfering in your life then what is the worst that could happen? you should definitely see a doctor and just tell him everything that you have written here and surely this won't be his first anxiety case so he will have some kind of solution for you. Hopefully you can work up the courage to do so, I know it is not easy at all.

04-21-2010, 07:05 AM
I can totally relate to this. I've only become aware of my anxiety over the last few weeks as thid time it has become debilitating (can't eat, sleep, shop..) but looking back I feel i've always been prone to these feelings. I too freak out big time if a loved one goes away or is late home-to the point i'm in tears about it. I also hated school and was scared to go-would come home every night and just cry even though nothing that bad had happened. And now i've got to this point. Really worried about my health all the time. I'm trying to avoid meds. I am going to therapy but it hasn't worked yet. Although i've always been a worrier i've never been like this before. I suggest you seek help in some form-therapy, relaxation techniques, meds beacuse without help it can get worse! I hope things sort out for you soon.

04-21-2010, 09:51 PM
If you get into therapy, get into cognitive behavioural therapy, not psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis takes forever and may make things worse by making you focus on your anxiety. Plus many shrinks are drug peddlers.

Get into CBT or buy one of those do-it-yourself anxiety programmes off the internet (they are based on CBT). At the same time, get into yoga or tai chi to fix your posture and breathing. Also simultaneously enroll into aerobics to get some strength back into your body. Give yourself about 4 months to see results (it may be lots sooner for some).

Seriously, after 4 months, you'll be carved out of stone. Why? Because anxiety is a behavioural problem maintained by mental habit and behavioural routine. It's not a genuine mental illness like schizophrenia. It can be fixed by a few months of repetition of proper behaviour.


04-23-2010, 09:43 AM
Like the above mentioned, you need to get into therapy. A lot of people are scarred or embarassed to start going to a therapist, but this is something that you need. There is nothing to embarassed about seeing a therapist, just talking to someone that is trained in talking to you about your issues will help you so much. They can then recommend you medicine if need be.

04-25-2010, 07:28 AM
Please don't feel embarrassed. I've been through exactly the same type of feelings myself.

Go and find someone to chat to. But also do some things to help yourself. Start by doing some meditation or some breathing techniques. It's amazing what they can do for you. Then look at foods, exercise, stretching, acupressure, and a few other things to make sure that you have a whole system for taking care of yourself.

One baby step at a time.