View Full Version : is this anxiety

04-12-2010, 02:12 PM
im a 99% sure that i am suffering from anxiety , i have suffered with a feeling of derealisation for a number of weeks fear of leaving my house out in open spaces i am 16 years old i worry alot over analayze things and tend to think way to much due to alot of time being alon e with nothing to do hence the reason of bein expelled from school and living with my dad who is often not in even though since the 'anxiety' have stayed with my mother brothther and step dad in there house anyway my story is as follows i ever since the age of 12 suffered from bouts of fear paranio and depressioni had fixations with the way i looked, what people thought of me, weather people find me attractive or cool , wether my nose was out of place (seriously considered nosejob ) once thought i lived in the wrong area and despite being a middle class child i thought i should have been a working class child in a working class enviroment very odd i know i have had obbseeions with heavy rock music e.g. korn nirvana metallica and fantised about being a heavy rockstar or contraversiol a druggy typse suicidal rocker like cobain or hendrix that just a number of thoughts or phases i have gone through yet i belive for a few months i become obsses with how the world is made how we are we how we are here how things are real and many other deep thoughts into the unknown and around 5weeks ago i took a exetremky small amount of methodrone infact i doubt i even took any i had put my hand in dust in the table and feew grains had remained on my finger that i brushed off yet the thought of me doing the drug triggered if the affect which for me in whatever drug i take gives me anxiety sympton worrying fear impenidng doom heart palputations sweats and a general horrendous time on drugs i have used cocaine and marijuana before both giving the sam affect hence the fact i dont take drugs and i did acceidently take the mephodrone which many of you will find hard to beilve i know haha but well ever since that i have had extreme symptoms of anxiety the spaced out feelin heart palpuationa sweaty hands worrying impending doom depression electric shook feelings head aches disorted vision constatnt negative thoughts and that voice in your head going are you okay ? i am finding it a struggle to go out with freinds atm or in the open in genreal for to long wihout that feeling on being out of reality and constantly thinking am i okay and just really starting to worry and before you say it the drug many of my freinds took the same batch and hell of a lot more and are fine although i think i have suffered with slight anxiety before this which has now been triggered of by this traumatic experince i occured and wether or not i even toook that drug is dubious to be honest but i would just like to know have others experinced this kinda thing or any symptoms and if so any advise on this thank you for your time

04-15-2010, 08:02 PM
hi there while i cant relate to the drug use i can relate to not wanting to go out with friends or anywhere outside my absolute comfort zone it sucks because my friends i feel like they think im just ditching them for no reason and when i do work up the nerve to go out im always checking the time waiting till someone says there leaving then i usually go yea i think im going to head home im 19 i used to be an avid outdoors kinda person now i get scared to go for a walk because i get the heart palpations that you mention like ill just go from sitting to standing and get palpations and im getting nervous because its getting nice out about time for mowing the yard season and im afraid to do it this year like i used to be ready and overall enjoy cutting the grass we have a push so it requires effort. it does sound like your havin anxiety but since you mention the drug usuage if you havent seen a doctor i suggest if possible to do so to rule out any other problem they maybe underlining i was diagnosed with anxiety 4 years ago was on meds but got took off them becuase they made me worst.

04-23-2010, 06:11 AM
Are you talking about methadone? That's not going to drive you insane, trust me. Smack addicts take that to get off the H and no one goes insane from methadone.

I'm having trouble reading your writing because you're not using punctuation, but did you say you used coke and pot? Coke and pot is not going to drive you insane either. The only things that will drive you mad is maybe taking HUGE amounts of hallucinogenics like LSD, psilocybin, PCP and peyote.

If you really want to know if you have anxiety disorder, you need to get a proper medical diagnosis. You are giving the right list of symptoms but you may have something like bipolar disorder or some glandular problem. Only a doctor can tell you for sure. There should be a diagnostic checklist to go through. Don't let some idiot eyeball you and listen to your story and say, "Yep, sounds like bipolar disorder to me."


04-23-2010, 09:39 AM
I am on methadone and I can tell you that has nothing to do with your anxiety...UNLESS you are withdrawing from it or another drug. Withdrawing from methadone will cause SEVERE anxiety and panic attacks. And withdrawing from any opiates will also cause severe panic attacks and anxiety. Opiates being heroin, percoset, vicodin, roxysets, and those sorts of things.

Also of course suddenly stopping medications such as xanax and clonopin will also cause severe panic attacks and anxiety.

Hope this helps you.