View Full Version : My anxiety disorder= a patience killer

04-11-2010, 02:46 PM
Every time I start doing something I cannot wait to end it. I got no patience at all. How am I go do something in a decent way if I cannot have the patience for it.... I don't know what to do!! My anxiety is killing me. Anytime I wanna start doing something it always becomes a problem. I don't really know what's going on! I cannot wait I just can't...

04-12-2010, 10:21 AM
I have been in therapy for several months. Lately, we have been talking about how I do EVERYTHING too fast!!! She asked me how I do when I have to "just sit." I said well I don'y like to just sit!! It makes me nervous!!! She said what about getting a manicure or pedicure? I said, "I just want them to hurry up & do it so I can leave!" I know howyou feel :cry: I have little patience as well. My therapist says I just want to get on to the next thing. One of my exposures I have to do is to "just sit." I don't want to, and even thinking of it makes me nervous!!!! :?

04-21-2010, 10:01 PM
Do you have a good tai chi class nearby? Make sure the teacher has good credentials. Tai chi will not only help you slow down, it will teach you proper posture and breathing. Yoga will do the same.

But you have to really throw yourself into and become OBSESSED with it. This will fill your mind with new unfamiliar thoughts and reprogramme your thinking patterns. Your thinking patterns are the root cause of your anxiety and you must change them. If you don't fully understand this, taking up tai chi and yoga will not cure your anxiety. Learn to be aware of your thoughts and how much power they have over you.


04-23-2010, 09:41 AM
Like someone above mentioned, therapy can really help you with this. A therapist will help you by talking to you and also they will be able to prescribe you something like klonopin or xanax if need be. You should definitely look for one, it will do a lot for you.