04-08-2010, 03:51 PM
After 5 years of suffering with generalized anxiety, tremors, insomnia, always seem to catch colds and chest infections, I finally think I have found the root. Adrenal fatigue syndrome. I have done alot of reading and it describes me to a T. I can't believe it. Does anyone else have this? I just had some blood work done but I hear you really need a saliva test which I am going to do right away.

Looking for anyone with this and how it was diagnosed and treated. I can't believe I may finally have found the problem after all this time.

I'm also wondering if it has to do with my medication Advair for asthma with has a steroid in it. Also when I was young in the early 70's the only treatment for asthma was to pump me full of adrenaline. That's was the only real treatment 40 years ago. For 13 years I had dozens of adrenaline shots for asthma.

Comments/suggestions/stories PLEASE.


04-09-2010, 01:43 PM
Hi bananxiety10

Just thought i might give you my views on this as i have also done alot of reading about it .

Adrenal fatigue from what i understand is caused by one thing and that is stress long term . It dose not matter were or how that long term stress starts from either . What i think sucks with anxiety is that when you are told you have anxiety they tell you its your thinking . This may be the case with some but with others it is bullshit and just a label that is placed on us to make doctors feel like they are helping but in reailty it is no help as it dose not get to the cause of the problem .

When i crashed 18 months ago it was because i started to get these weird symptoms from nowhere , yes i started to worry about them but no more than someone that would worry if they were told they were being tested for cancer ( which i was ). Then after a short time i was placed on a benzo and had a very bad reaction and spent 4 months in hell trying to get help to get off them . The only time my thinking changed to complete worry and fear was when i was placed on these tablets . Before that i would worry about very little .
These drugs did most of the damage to were i am now and i have no doubt in my mind of that . I no longer take any drugs at all and dont plan to .

OK back to your question . The aderinal gland works with the other glands such as the thyroid and pituitary , these all work on hormones . So why is it that it is dismissed that if these glands are not working well then the emotions will be all over the place . Is anxiety and depression really only the emotinal reaction to the sysmptoms of stress? I know in myself i have had many symptoms of stress in the past without the reaction i have had to them in the past months .

I was convinced that the problem with me was in these glands , from a high stress period in my life together with , poor diet , heavy smoking and those bloody drugs they had me on .

I have just started treatment with a well know natural and normal doctor here who has confirmed that this is the case . She also tells me that my liver plays a huge part in this also as it is not working as it should and is making the way my body uses sugar not work well.

In the first week of treatment i lost 6Kg as my system started to kick back in to the way it should be working and my liver started to work and not store fat but started to use it the way it should do .

The second week i started the tablets ( natural ones ) and feel worst but i know that this is just my body resetting itself and it will come good after time . Nothing has changed in my life in the last 7 days but my anxiety within my body as gotten worst , its soley symptoms from my body and no weird strange or worried thinking .

On the good side though , i feel overall in myself better , which is hard to explain but maybe its from believing that i am finally getting to the base of the problem and not covering in it up .

The strangest thing and the thing that tells me it will work is that 2 weeks ago i was depressed , having down patches most days for no reason other than feeling low . Well within a week of starting my diet side of the treatment that has gone and although i feel a bit moody and tired i have no depression as i did . It is also starting to fix the lack of sleep very slowly .
There is a chemical released by all humans a few hours before we wake to get as ready for the day , i think the reason i cant sleep and wake early is because too much of this chemical is being released and waking me . I can get 4 hours sleep and wake wide awake but slowing start to get tired after a few hours as this chemical wears off . This chemichal is from one of these glands .

I have been warned that this treatment will take months to fix but that the thing it should fix it and not hide it behind some drug that may be causing half those problems with our glands .

If you really beleive that you have a problem with your glands and its not in your head as they like to tell you then i would walk away from the doctors and find a natural doctor and work on repairing your body so it can repair yourself . The body has it within itself to heal but need the right foods to do this . Just by removing some foods and adding others i cannot beleive how fast you start to feel different and more clear within yourself

I wish you well and if you would like the link to the lady i am working with then let me know
cheers kev :D

04-09-2010, 01:52 PM
One more thing

Yes the stress may be from adrenaline shots for asthma.

How can they say that your glands did not stop making and using it because it was getting it from a outside source .

I believe that it is only these glands that are over or underworking along with sugar levels in our body that cause anxiety . So even when we fix the thinking side of it our body still needs to repair these to run at a normal level and then the anixety will past . Often or i should say untill you fix the thinking if it is the problem you will just keep feeding these and they cant find their natural level .

So yes there could be many causes of this problem from thinking , diet , smoking , drugs to hormone changes from child birth.
But in most cases the thinking is nothing more than another symptom of the anxiety itself because the brain when in a axious state will change the way it looks at things .

cheers kev :D

04-14-2010, 06:33 PM
I just posted about the herbal suppliment Relora that is proported to heal the adrenals - you have to be careful as most doctors treat low adrenals and if yours is hyperactive and you treat for low AD you will have major anxiety and panic. MAJOR

04-16-2010, 11:37 AM
I agree doctors never want to refer people to get their glands evaluated before telling them it is stress/anxiety. Have your MD or endocrinologist do a blood catecholamines test and/or a 24 hour urine test to rule out a pheochromocytoma on your adrenal gland.

My husband had a pheo on his adrenal gland and also received the allergy shots you talked about years ago, since he was allergic to many types of foods.

04-17-2010, 11:49 PM

If possible I would love some more info on this. I havn't been able to find much about this. And what I have read I felt really familiar with it.

If you could post your symptoms too please.

I have found I have gotten derealization and some anxiety after eating desserts or sugary foods. I have had my blood sugar checked and that was fine.


Just Life
04-18-2010, 08:05 AM
As I understand, it could and should be tested (article Adrenal Gland - the gear box of the car ), only it's next to impossible to find the helpful physician that allows that test. Mine eventually agreed, but only on blood test.

04-18-2010, 02:45 PM
Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
Tendency to gain weight and unable to lose it, especially around the waist.
High frequency of getting the flu and other respiratory diseases and these symptoms tend to last longer than usual.
Tendency to tremble when under pressure.
Reduced sex drive.
Lightheaded when rising from a laying down position.
Unable to remember things.
Lack of energy in the mornings and also in the afternoon between 3 to 5 pm.
Feel better suddenly for a brief period after a meal.
Often feel tired between 9 - 10 pm, but resist going to bed.
Need coffee or stimulants to get going in the morning.
Cravings for salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and cheese.
Increase symptoms of PMS for women; periods are heavy and then stop, or are almost stopped on the 4th day, only to start flow again on the 5th or 6th day.
Pain in the upper back or neck with no apparent reason.
Feels better when stress is relieved, such as on a vacation.
Difficulties in getting up in the morning
Other signs and symptoms include:
Mild depression
Food and or inhalant allergies
Lethargy and lack of energy
Increased effort to perform daily tasks
Decreased ability to handle stress
Dry and thin skin
Low Body Temperature
Unexplained hair loss
Alternating constipation and diarrhea

04-18-2010, 03:40 PM
Hi all


Above is a list of symptoms you may have .

From everything i have researched it is caused by long term stress . Which is basically what anxiety is .

Till the day i die i will not agree that anxiety is a disorder . it is a symptom and this is proved by the fact that there is no test that can prove that there is a problem within the body that is directly related to having anxiety .

I believe doctors are taught about the bodys problems yes but they are taught very little about the reaction between different parts of the body . This is proved by most of the treatment for anxiety being based on treatment of the mind . They seem to think that the mind is a seperate part of the body and only the thinking can effect it . What a load of crap . If one have a high fever caused by lets say the flu. Does this not effect the brain and the way it works . What about sugar lows , or low magnisiam ? There are plenty of things that cause anxiety and many of these things will effect the mind also as a side effect of them or a symptom of them . Its like if we tell ourselves over and over again that will feel fine then it will take away all those symptoms . The only thing that will remove those symptoms is by letting the body heal itself and thinking is only a one part of this .

There is a test for many things but because of cost many doctors will not do them . There is a test for diabetes called a glucose tolerance test which will show if someone is at risk of getting diabetes but do they do this test No they wait untill your sugar is high and then do it to prove you have the problem which this test would have proved you were getting and could have stopped by changing your lifestyle . This is not to say that you cannot fix this but it is harder by then .
Doctors are trained to contain a problem , they are not taught to fix the problem . This is not the doctors fault , this is the systems fault and also many many many people just want to walk into a doctors and be cured , be giving a pill . The only cure for ill health is within us and that is change . We have to be open to change and do this change . If you are not open to changing yourself how can you expect things to change.

Anxiety and depression are what i would call a to hard we were not taught above this problem . Were a doctor was only taught the basics of diesease in the body so there for when a person shows with many problems they are automaticaly placed into this Oh you have anxiety , or oh you have depression . This is often a load of crap .

I have had both anxiety and depression . The depression was related to and i am sure is the same with many on the way i feel . If a person has the flu for a week by the end of that week they start to feel depressed but atlest they have hope that it is just the flu . Now take into account that you have been sick for months and had every test that god thinking doctor could give you and you are still feeling sick . Would you not feel depressed ? Would it not be normal for this to be happening . If you lost a leg then you would be depressed but you would most likely adjust and be able to move on . But how can you adjust when you know deep down there is a problem and no doctor will do their job and help you . When i had PVFS yes ago the only thing i wished for was cancer , Now thats sad to think that you would rather die than live as you were because atleast if you knew your were dieing you could adjust to it .

My tip is yes go to these doctors but if you are not getting anywhere then do something about it . There is alot and i mean alot of information out there that a simply change in diet and removing or adding things will improve your health . But this is not a fast fix this is a lifestyle change , something you have to do and stick to. Take the power within yourself and heal yourself .

Also one last thing while i am on my soap box :D Counsellers . If you do not believe what you are being told then do not change your thinking . Many of these councellers will send you around the twist by themself without your help . Most are good but how can one person in a few years of schooling be able to understand the problems of millions of people on the planet . They can not , they can understand that basics but we are all different and all have different problems and this is were this crap about Oh your anxiety if from your past comes into it . If your counceller cannot open their minds to what you are telling them ( yes you the one that has lived in your body for years and knows it better than anyone ) then move on to someone that will listen to you . Their job as a doctor is to listing not to dictate what they believe is wrong with you .

To recovery from anxiety you need to change , Yes you need to , not the doctor but you need to remove stress from your life and only you know where that stress is . In means you have to change your thinking , not only the way you react to things but also the way you have lived , your diet , your lifestyle , the way you relax , the way you were taught about how you should react to and live in society . It is all and should be all about what you want to do and how you want to live . If you want to pack up and go live like a hippy in the bush and that makes you happy then go and do it and dont worry about what others may think . It is all about your happiness and i think we all spent to much time making other people happy and spend very little time making ourselves happy . And we wonder why we are stressed . :shock:

cheers kev :D

04-19-2010, 05:57 AM
Signs and symptoms of pheochromocytomas may include:

■High blood pressure
■Rapid heart rate
■Forceful heartbeat
■Profound sweating
■Abdominal pain
■Sudden-onset headaches — usually severe — of varying duration
■Feeling of anxiety
■Feeling of extreme fright
■Pale skin
■Weight loss
These signs and symptoms develop because this type of tumor produces an excess of chemical compounds called catecholamines. Excessive secretion of catecholamines — the hormones adrenaline (epinephrine) and noradrenaline (norepinephrine) — can lead to persistent high blood pressure or wild fluctuations in your blood pressure, depending on whether the catecholamines are released continuously or in shorter bursts. The intermittent release of these hormones can cause other symptoms to occur from time to time as well.

04-23-2010, 12:04 PM
I know that stress and anxiety\panic attacks can take a ton out of you and do some weird things to your body. It takes so much more out of your body and mind than people realize, and could cause all sorts of symptoms and things to your body that you would never even think of. But I'm not a DR so I could not confirm that this is or is not what you may have.

04-23-2010, 12:04 PM
I know that stress and anxiety\panic attacks can take a ton out of you and do some weird things to your body. It takes so much more out of your body and mind than people realize, and could cause all sorts of symptoms and things to your body that you would never even think of. But I'm not a DR so I could not confirm that this is or is not what you may have.