View Full Version : Body Jolts and Twitches? Anybody?

04-08-2010, 09:15 AM
Hey all, I am new to the forum here but not to the lovely world of anxiety :) Anyway I was wondering if anybody could help me out or tell me if they have experienced anything similar. I have my fair share of odd sensations and symptoms as it relates to anxiety. My right foot for a month or two had a fun twitch (in fact I get little muscle twitching here and there most of the time lol) and I seem to have pressure in my jaw/face on some days worse then others usually worst in the mornings. The only symptom that really bugs me and I am worried a bit about are these involuntary movements I get. It is usually only when I am sitting or laying down. It is like my back will tense up or something and my leg or arm might twitch or I "rock" in my chair for like half a second. This might be something I have always had just never noticed until now that I pay way too much attention to what my body does. It almost feels like a spasm in my lower back or something that jolts my body slightly. Weird I know. Anybody else have this going on? Thanks for any help!

04-08-2010, 04:25 PM
Hey all, I am new to the forum here but not to the lovely world of anxiety :) Anyway I was wondering if anybody could help me out or tell me if they have experienced anything similar. I have my fair share of odd sensations and symptoms as it relates to anxiety. My right foot for a month or two had a fun twitch (in fact I get little muscle twitching here and there most of the time lol) and I seem to have pressure in my jaw/face on some days worse then others usually worst in the mornings. The only symptom that really bugs me and I am worried a bit about are these involuntary movements I get. It is usually only when I am sitting or laying down. It is like my back will tense up or something and my leg or arm might twitch or I "rock" in my chair for like half a second. This might be something I have always had just never noticed until now that I pay way too much attention to what my body does. It almost feels like a spasm in my lower back or something that jolts my body slightly. Weird I know. Anybody else have this going on? Thanks for any help!

Hi Vanphelan,

I'm experiencing the same pressure in my jaw/temple, top of head right now as I write this. I was fine all day, but it seems if I sit or sometimes if I walk, it starts up. I was to the Dr. today for MRI head results and everything is fine. I guess I have to believe the Dr.'s and just know this is anxiety, as much as it stinks. Oh, I also have ear pressure. Ears check out all OK too. Anxiety, argghhhh!!

04-09-2010, 08:25 AM
Hey Terry,

Isn't it just the worst lol. You should actually see your dentist about the jaw. Mine tells me that I have a slight TMJ and cross bite from clenching my teeth (especially at night) and I also have wisdom teeth that are coming out next week. I hear that it is common for people with anxiety to clench and have these similar symptoms. My ears don't really bug me but I know it is also a symptom of tmj. My little body jerks aren't as bad today so I don't really suspect any kind of neuroloical disease or anything but my anxiety came form having surgery on my lung because it spontaneuously collapsed. Ever sense then I have had health anxiety and worried about everything I felt in my body. I am slowly getting better with it. Be on the look out for headaches in the back of your head/neck and forehead. I get those when my jaw is acting up real good lol. Think I feel one coming on right now.