View Full Version : Anyone feel this

04-06-2010, 04:39 PM
I have been through all the ups and downs of anxiety these past 4 months from symptom to symptom. But as of lately i have been having these scary thoughts that i know i would never ever really do but there just scary to be thinking of. When i try to keep my mind off of it they jus come back every once in a while. has anyone had trouble with this?

04-06-2010, 05:13 PM
hi reyolystic

Scary thoughts are very common with anxiety .
Some mothers may have thoughts of throwing their baby from a window , my was about stabbing people .

They are just from a overworked mind and everyone has them at one stage or another weather you have anxiety or not . It is just that when your mind is in overload you tend to hang on to these thoughts more than you should .

Stop trying to forget them , embrace them know they are only from your anxiety . You already answered your question in part i know i would never ever really do . As you acept them they fade over time untill you know longer notice you are having them .

We have over 20,000 thoughts a day , one bad one nothing to worry about
cheers kev :D

04-06-2010, 05:15 PM
I have been through all the ups and downs of anxiety these past 4 months from symptom to symptom. But as of lately i have been having these scary thoughts that i know i would never ever really do but there just scary to be thinking of. When i try to keep my mind off of it they jus come back every once in a while. has anyone had trouble with this?

Are you talking about thoughts of harming yourself?
I've also been having all the anxiety symptoms the last two months. Also dealing with dizziness. My Dr. sent me for an inner ear MRI and I have to get the results on thursday. I'm going crazy not knowing what is going on with me, plugged and ringing ears, stuffed up head, sinuses, head pressure. Any of this sound familiar?

04-06-2010, 05:40 PM
sometimes ill jus be hanging out with friends and i think of crazy what if situations like what if i just snapped and harmed someone. Sometimes i can get over it for a period of time but it always comes back and makes me feel as if im losing myself. So this is just a normal symtom of anxiety, i can see why cause everytime i have a scary thought i linger on it and will not let it go even how rediculous it is

04-06-2010, 06:34 PM
i have thoughts all the time but not the weird ones my thoughts are more along the line of the fact that i why aint i having any anxiety issues today or for a split second i feel like i am going to die or i feel like i am unbalanced the list goes on and on and on

04-06-2010, 06:37 PM
i went through the same thing last year they tried to say i might have a ear infection or that i have allergies and then i started browsing the net and found a site called www.anxietycentre.com (http://www.anxietycentre.com) and it give a complete list of symptoms without haveing to buy something... well best of luck and i am almost positive that your results will be normal

04-06-2010, 06:46 PM
That link to the site above , If you want to get better then spend the few dollors and join it . There is 100s of pages on symptoms and there causes and 100s of pages on how to get past it
It is run buy people trained in anxiety and all have had bad anxiety in the past .
They also do counselling at what i think was a cheap rate ($80 hour , where as normally $240 a hour in Australia to see someone who offen dont know what they are talking about )

Trust me if it was not for that site i would not be here , once i joined and understode my anxiety it started to go away untill now 18 months later i have very little anxiety and live a normall life .

Not bad from someone that had OCD and could not leave the house sometimes and had big problems driving .

I recommend you think about it as $8 for the month is less than a days lunch and you are talking about your health and you have nothing to lose

cheers kev :D

04-06-2010, 08:15 PM
Thanks for the help yeah I'm having a real hard time driving to. It feels better to know that I am not going crazy cause I'm getting tired of dealing with this.