View Full Version : Anxiety and Depression - Please Help

04-06-2010, 02:37 AM
Recently (within the last six months) I have been experienced and increasingly high amount of anxiety attacks coupled with severe depression where I won't even leave my room except to go to the bathroom and get food.

I'm currently 20, at the time these attacks started I had just ended a sort of drug binge I had gotten myself into and had broken up with my girlfriend at the time (though I am no longer broken up about that, and I expected that once I did get over it the anxiety and depression would stop but it never did). I have had no medical history of depression, though I have throughout my life considered myself a sort of outsider, never really accepted.

I keep thinking things will get better, as I have stopped abusing drugs and am no longer heartbroken (as lame as it sounds saying that)... so I keep putting off going to a doctor about even as it gets worse. I've done some research and I wonder if antidepressants or some sort of benzo would help me both long-term and short. I have never really experienced the drug despite my binge (sadly consisting of so called "street drugs," cocaine and ecstasy) and I'm not sure if I should worry about addiction (I don't necessarily have an addictive personality).

Basically what it comes down to is I'm scared. I have anxiety about telling my parents (whom I no longer live with) and a doctor about my recent issues. I have never been to a psychiatrist... I have no idea how to go about getting one, or if I even do need one. I do want help though... not sure how to go about it. I don't know if my parents would approve of psychiatric help... I'd probably just be told to toughen up. Can I do it in privacy even though I am still considered dependent and covered by their insurance? I know its long but any help would be greatly appreciated. A lot has been on my mind.