04-05-2010, 10:27 AM
When I am really anxious, my heart pounds and I feel like I'm short of breath. I used to do aerobics 3 mornings a week, now I have stopped because I feel short of breath sometimes. I never know when it's going to be, it just happens. I've had the eck, echo, carodid and cranial doppler and all were fine. Anybody else experience this?

04-07-2010, 09:32 PM
Hey Terry,

I haven't been on here for a while, but just to put your mind at ease, yes shortness of breath is a symptom of Anxiety. I used to get those all the time and even headed out to the ER just to find out it was Anxiety.

I learned to control it a bit by just accepting that it is anxiety and nothing serious. If you've gone to the doc and have been given tests to rule out something else, then just relax. I work out everyday as well and used to think it was something severe. You're fine don't worry :-)

04-08-2010, 07:56 AM
I have asthma and I get shortness of breathe when I'm anxious sometimes. I don't know if the asthma complicates it or makes it worse. With asthma, I have a rescue inhaler that I can take that makes it easier to breathe. I would just sit down and take deep breathes and try to calm down when this happens.