View Full Version : A possible ten minute relief or reduction of anxiety

04-03-2010, 01:21 PM
Hi I have had anxiety only once that I can remember in many years, but I was able to quash it almost completely in only a few minutes with the method I just posted about in the derpression forum unde the titler "How I relieve my depression", in just a few minutes and at least two people told me that same imitating the hand position of the fetus in the womb technique did the same for their anxiety, and all people who tried it that I asked about their experience report a calming effect.

I mentioned a warning about its lack of effectiveness when near electronics, something about the radiation preventing this from working, but I do have some indication which I am not sure about yet, that the anti anxiety effect may be possible even when exposed to radiation, like ones computer or cellphone etc .

EIther way, with or without being near such types of radiation, Id be very curious what it did to people's anxiety in like ten minutes of holding that fetal hand position that I described in my other post in depression forum , or someone just expressed to me yesterdait quelled his racing thoughtsy that in 20 minutes a calm come over him , whereas with meditation he had not been able to achieve this calm.

Steve Lord

04-10-2010, 11:36 AM

Hi, I posted this a week or so ago, and i see no one responded to it. Could I ask someone with anxiety to try this for ten minutes and post if it made it better, or had no effect?

The purpose is to recreate the fetal position in the womb, that is, the hand position part, dont worry about the rest of your body, and to do that , we'll make it simple, just put one hand, either hand, in the same position you would think of as where a boxer puts his when in the ring, or just imagine you are holding a microphone in your hands to your mouth to speak into, that is a fine way to achieve the most common fetal hand positions. DOnt move the hand, keep it reasonably stationary, and hold nothing in your hand. Its that simple, WIth depression I think one needs to be away from radiation but maybe not for anxiety, so you can try it as you are reading this message and any others here etc. Can someone with anxiety try this for ten minutes and post what happened? THanks

Steve Lord