View Full Version : supplements/vitamins

04-01-2010, 02:15 PM
Meds not working any more for anxiety. Interested in hearing about any success stories with calcium/magnesium, Omega 3, B12, and any other supplement success stories for severe anxiety.

Thanks for the help,.

04-01-2010, 04:37 PM
Hi bananxiety

There are many thing you can do to help anixety and taking drugs long term is not one of them . All the drugs do is cover up the symptoms and as you are finding out they slowly stop working .

This is one reason i refused to take them , another was i could not see the point in taking a drug that had side effects of what i was trying to fix .

Recovery from anxiety is all about repair . Anxiety is not just some mental problem as most doctors make it out to be. There is prove out there that anxiety long term changes the way the body works and sees things , it is all about learning to mentally change your thinking but also more so i believe about repairing the damage that being stressed has done to your body .

See maybe im different but my anxiety i dont freak about , in my mind i say i do not have a mental problem , my body has a problem handleing stress and that is all .

I have mostly recovered from my anxiety now , its not to say i dont feel ill but i am working on that . Detoxing from my diet at the moment so that is not helping :oops:

Supplement are good to add to your diet as they replace the extras you use from being under stress all the time . I shall add some of what i take later tonight .

Diet plays a huge part and i found that when i ate well i felt better . youtube Natural cures for anxiety and depression and it is all about diet .

I do not fully believe this rubbish about just accepting it , how on earth can someone except that there body wont do what they want . But if you put understanding behind it and also hope from starting to heal yourself you can accept it . Telling someone to accept their anxiety amounts to telling someone with a broken leg to get up and walk . The only part we need to accept is we are ill and it takes time to repair that . Once we do this we stop feeding it a little at a time and slowly start to get better . recovery from anxiety is a long road and should be looked at like that and not some fast quick fix. By looking at it as a fast quick fix we set ourself up for dissapointment which in turn feeds the stress on the mind and body cause the problem in the first place.

The one thing i would guess most people with anxiety say to themselves is When will it go ? How long will it last ? You can see how much pressure that places on ourselfs . We should instead be saying I will do all i can to heal from anxiety but it will take as long as it takes .

Are you still a alcoholic because this would play a part in it also .

cheers kev :D

04-01-2010, 06:54 PM
thanks for the uplifting words. I realize it takes time, but 5 years of GAD is a real pain, especially now that it's not in control anymore. I am taking calcium magnesium and omega 3 now, just started. I still take 4mg clonazepam because it does help a bit, but I'm hoping the heavy dose of cal/mag and omega 3 will help. As for alcohol, it's not so much alcoholism as it is an occasional escape from the pent up pain. You didn't mention any specific supplements?

04-01-2010, 07:49 PM
Hi bananxiety10

Yes 5 years is a long time . Could it be that in that time you have been trying to live with it than heal from it .

I know how bad it can be and how you feel like you are stuck in a hole and cant get out . It is also really bad when most of what we read is from people with anixety .

Just remember that anxiety is very commom , 1 in 5 in Australia will have anxiety and most of those people recover.

Ok on to things that helped me

Meditate , this you must learn and it is not hard all you have to do is take twenty minutes and rest , breath deep and relax . When i did it i would lay down put the ipod on with nuture music and close my eyes and relax .
At first it is hard but as you go on it gets better . This will teach your mind to relax .

Diet . Stick to a good diet , food as close to nature as possible .No sugar in anything .

Supps i took were Protien powder ( Whey powder ) , you should do this 3 times a day i beleive but i only took it in the morning . It is full of amino acids with effect thinking when low .
Magnesium powder twice a day morning and night
I took a good multi .

Now at the moment i am going to one of the best naturopath in Australia so i will give you what she has told me to do . I started 5 days ago and even though i feel like shit , my brain feels so much better . I was depressed for a long time but this is clearing now . I have only started the deit side as am yet to get tablets .

Diet is more protein. Eggs , yogut, nuts , lean meat
Lots of raw veggies . Lots of juice of fruits and veggies . 1 large glass a day .
No sugar , wheat , rice.

I also have to add different supps which are as per pm i will send you.

L-tyrosine is one that i have heard so much about and is used for mood and when low can cause depression and anxiety .

I am not sure how hard you want to go with all this but if you are like me you get to a stage were is someone told you to stand on your head twice a day for a hour and it would go you would try it . Like i said i have only been on this a week and feel alot better in my mind . So it is worth a try and as i said many many youtube surggest that deit is a major role in main illiness . I guess its a case of rubbish in rubbish out

cheers kev

04-02-2010, 01:56 AM
I think, first of all you need to be very positive so that it will very soon relieve your senses and Then please try to concentrate on what you are eating which is very necessary, as there are so many factors that are equally important and it is very important that what is included in your meal like vitamins, sodium and amino acids should be included.

Other than this, dong meditation will be worth to get relaxed and helps you to get over all that negative thoughts.


04-02-2010, 09:39 AM
thank you for all the tips. I will research and find what works for me. I think my diet needs less sugar, in fact I'm sure of it. As mentioned I just started calcium/magnesium and Omega 3, and I take a good multi with B12 and D3. Lots of work ahead, hope it's worth it.

As for what started it, not sure. What concerns me is that it began in a relatively stressless period of my life. It began with a twitching eyelid for months, followed by a tremor in my upper body, followed by insomnia and ringing in the ears, irritability, sensitive to loud noises and frequent urination, almost every classic anxiety symptom.

Take care.