View Full Version : Nausea and motion sickness feeling is this definitely anxiet

03-30-2010, 03:22 PM
im 19 and have been getting bad spells that last for a few hours to several days , constantly expect night time of what i describe as a vertigo dizziness feeling that makes me feel nausea abit like motion sickness but not like the room is spinning more like an unbalanced feeling Doctor has checked blood/urine and ears an eyes they found nothing and seem to think its caused from anxiety which i keep finding it hard to believe as i don't really feel anxious when the symptoms start usually after ,i do have other symptoms which i have had over the past 6 months such as a feeling of pressure in my head or a lightheaded feeling ,stomach pains ,heartburn feeling in lower sternum ,muscle twitching ,muscle pains ,neck ache ,back ache,feeling of something stuck in the upper throat ,sharp sudden electric shock type pains ,sudden loss of libido for 3 days at a time ,tingling sensation in feet and hands ,hissing noise in ears , fatigue ,General feeling of being unwell or feeling that im about to get a cold ,a sudden shortness of breath ,these are all of which i have had for 6 months ,

04-06-2010, 05:33 PM
im 19 and have been getting bad spells that last for a few hours to several days , constantly expect night time of what i describe as a vertigo dizziness feeling that makes me feel nausea abit like motion sickness but not like the room is spinning more like an unbalanced feeling Doctor has checked blood/urine and ears an eyes they found nothing and seem to think its caused from anxiety which i keep finding it hard to believe as i don't really feel anxious when the symptoms start usually after ,i do have other symptoms which i have had over the past 6 months such as a feeling of pressure in my head or a lightheaded feeling ,stomach pains ,heartburn feeling in lower sternum ,muscle twitching ,muscle pains ,neck ache ,back ache,feeling of something stuck in the upper throat ,sharp sudden electric shock type pains ,sudden loss of libido for 3 days at a time ,tingling sensation in feet and hands ,hissing noise in ears , fatigue ,General feeling of being unwell or feeling that im about to get a cold ,a sudden shortness of breath ,these are all of which i have had for 6 months ,

It sure sounds like anxiety to me. I have all the same symptoms, but also am being checked for inner ear disorder, which can cause anxiety and panic symptoms. Inner ear can only be checked through an MRI. I have been dizzy and unbalanced for two months, but also get vertigo when I roll over in bed or tip my head backwards or forward. You might want to check that to be sure. Good Luck.

06-27-2010, 11:16 PM
Definitely anxiety. I have had every medical test available thinking I have some illness that doctors can't detect. It is very hard to believe that anxiety can cause such symptoms.

Do you know you can have a panic attack in a relaxed state. You may not even be aware of the trigger but i know myself, I feel calm and then all of a sudden I feel sick, shaky, cold/hot, can't breathe etc. In fact i remember when I experienced my first panic attack i was lying on the beach relaxed and whoosh all of a sudden a state of panic.

07-02-2010, 04:44 AM
Definitely anxiety. I have had every medical test available thinking I have some illness that doctors can't detect. It is very hard to believe that anxiety can cause such symptoms..

Me too. I've had the mri scan also and they found nothing. I am dizzy contantly, feel nausea nall the time. The pressure in my head is the worst feeling ever.

Anxiety is shit.

07-27-2010, 03:47 PM
thanks guys ,leats im not alone

09-19-2010, 03:06 AM
hi! can i post some advertisement links here?

09-19-2010, 05:10 AM
im 19 and have been getting bad spells that last for a few hours to several days , constantly expect night time of what i describe as a vertigo dizziness feeling that makes me feel nausea abit like motion sickness but not like the room is spinning more like an unbalanced feeling Doctor has checked blood/urine and ears an eyes they found nothing and seem to think its caused from anxiety which i keep finding it hard to believe as i don't really feel anxious when the symptoms start usually after ,i do have other symptoms which i have had over the past 6 months such as a feeling of pressure in my head or a lightheaded feeling ,stomach pains ,heartburn feeling in lower sternum ,muscle twitching ,muscle pains ,neck ache ,back ache,feeling of something stuck in the upper throat ,sharp sudden electric shock type pains ,sudden loss of libido for 3 days at a time ,tingling sensation in feet and hands ,hissing noise in ears , fatigue ,General feeling of being unwell or feeling that im about to get a cold ,a sudden shortness of breath ,these are all of which i have had for 6 months ,

When I first got anxiety I had everything you mentioned! It certainly sounds like anxiety! I know how bad it is, anxiety is a nightmare!

09-19-2010, 11:51 PM
I know this is kind of bad, but I'm kind of glad/relieved to see other people are feeling the nausea/spaciness constantly.
Not that I'm glad you're experiencing it, as it's absolutely awful, but I'm always thinking the worst since everyone I know who's had anxiety, doesn't feel bad 24/7.

Unfortunately for me, I've felt it for 8 years now. Not as bad as it is now, it kind of gradually got worse, but definitely a feeling of ill. There was one morning I woke up, and for 10 minutes I felt completely fine. I miss those 10 minutes. :)

Anyways, my old therapist said a really cool thing about that moment. She said maybe I woke up and my body forgot I was suppose to be feeling "sick" and then it quickly remembered.

OP. You aren't alone. And just you posting here has helped me and giving me some hope to get better knowing it IS anxiety related.
So thanks for sharing with us. I've been reading the forums every once in awhile, and have finally signed up. So this is my first post on here, but I'm hoping to come here often for support, and to give support to others.
Hopefully you will find calmness soon. :)

09-23-2010, 08:09 AM
Everything you describe lines up with all the anxiety research I have been doing. I experience most of what you do. I cant relate directly to motion sickness because I have never suffered from that. What bothers me the most is the nausea, flu like / general ill feeling and fatigue.

I was and still kind of am going crazy because, it seems these symtoms hit me at off times when I feel or THINK I mentally am doing ok. I dunno if its a crash after high mental anxiety points, if its over all build up of chronic anxiety (because I have def had that for months now worse the last month or so).

My nausea is strange because I am still hungry.. it hits differently. sometimes Im just nauseated, sometimes I just feel generally ill. sometimes both!

I know your subconscious can be doing a lot when you don't know it.. or so I think. One for sure thing I go to to prove this for myself is an experience I had.

I was listening to a doctor describe how he put my grandpa's finger back together after he has an accident (I never saw his mangled finger before or anything) I was just listening and actually pretty interested in how he tried to reconstruct his fingernail area etc.. next thing I knew I was about to pass out! I mentally FELT I was fine and not grossed out but something on my subconscious level was obvously bothering me.