View Full Version : Demons return

03-30-2010, 11:28 AM
Dear all,
I'm just putting down on paper an experience literally just happening. Apparently, its a good strategy to try and cope with anxiety......
Just heard the wife answer the telephone and over-hearing her replies I immediately thought it was one of our friends. I instantly thought this would involve some sort of invitation for us and the blasted anxiety surged again. You know the feelings you get from an instant surge of adrenalin. Isn't it interesting that the terrible feelings come instantly, just a moments negative thought (the possible invitation) and the anxiety starts. As it transpired, the telephone call wasn't a friend at all. Anyone else get anxiety through jumping to conclusions?
p.s. writing down this experience has helped a little, so I recommend getting your anxiety feelings down on paper as soon as possible

08-22-2010, 08:26 AM
yeah continuousely,that's what stop me from doing anything.

09-12-2010, 10:19 AM
I like the idea of writing down things that make you anxious. Also my boyfriend is the same, when he watches me pack my bag for uni or get ready for work he says he starts to get anxious and nervous and when I leave it worsens. When i need to tell him I'm leaving the house for some reason I get nervous myself and hate breaking it to him even if I'm just going to uni. Its even worse telling him when we both need to go somewhere like his sister's birthday or something. Just thinking about leaving the house a week in advance makes him sick. What else do you do to cope with this?

09-19-2010, 06:02 AM
Writing down notes about things that makes me anxious can sometimes relieve my anxieties. By writing down notes, you can express yourself. Maybe that's the reason why it can help us a little on our anxieties.