View Full Version : My anxiety has started again, need help quickly......

03-29-2010, 02:01 AM
Hi, I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

I have suffered with panic attacks, on and off for a couple of years now. My job means that my predicament is a little different. I am a professional musician, and as such I have worked for years and years on cruise ships.
I was taken ill, with anxiety, and had to leave a ship a couple of years ago. Following this I was put on medication and had some therapy.
This worked fine, but of course I was back in my home enviroment with lots of help and support, which made me very quickly better.

Last year, my wife and I had our first child, a little boy, he really is the best.

My serious problem now is that I am due to go away again in a couple of weeks, and my anxiety has started to kick in again. I took one of my anti-depression pills last night (not taken them for a long time) but to be honest, it made me worse. Probably because it drew the attention to the fact that my anxiety has started again.

Regarding the ship itself, I now get very claustrophobic on ships (not being able to get off once it's sailed, kind of thing) which leads to panic attacks.
I really need to go and work as this is my job.
I still have all the notes and stuff from my sessions with the therapist, but any help at all will be appreciated, as I am starting to lose sleep over this, and the trip is still not for another couple of weeks.

please help guys

03-29-2010, 04:10 AM
Do the opposite of what you normally do during a panic attack. Just tell it to go ahead and do its worse. Then feel every bit of the pain but don't stop there. Try to make the pain even worse.

Sounds crazy but this is the standard procedure for seeing your panic attack for what it is: a big fat illusion. If someone gave you a million pounds you'd never be able to make the pain worse. But you might burst out laughing because you can't.

Why don't you call out your panic attack right after you read this. Try and bring it on. I dare you.

Whatever you do, don't go back on antidepressants. Antidepressants are for depression. Prescribing them for anxiety sufferers is a multi-billion dollar scam.

03-29-2010, 09:32 AM
Hi, I'll try to keep this as short as possible.

My serious problem now is that I am due to go away again in a couple of weeks, and my anxiety has started to kick in again. I took one of my anti-depression pills last night (not taken them for a long time) but to be honest, it made me worse. Probably because it drew the attention to the fact that my anxiety has started again.


You've got nothing to worry about 'wb' the reason why you feel like this is simple, you're going back on the ship, the negative "What If's" creep into your head,
"What if I can't cope?" "
"What If I have a panic attack while i'm playing?"
"How long will I last"

The more you have these thoughts, the more real they become! It seems the cycle has come back into you're head!
The association of being anxious on the ship then comes into you're head, and then the panic comes back.

and of course, because you've taken some medication, you think you're getting bad again! It's all in your head, I was exactly the same, just over different situations.

You need to ACCEPT that it will not go like the flick of a switch, and that it will take time. The reason why it can be difficult is that you cannot see a visual improvement (If you brake you're leg, you can see it getting better, which satisfies your brain)

The worst thing you can do is not go! You have to go, and be strong! Don't let negative thoughts take over you're life, otherwise they will! You have to expose yourself to the association!

Remember, A thought is just a thought, the reality is that YOU are fine and enjoying life! You have a lovely family I'm sure and enjoy what you do!

04-02-2010, 05:39 AM
According to me, if you are feeling that your anxiety is getting started again then you need to focus on those things that you like to do that usually relaxes your mind and help you to calm down. Also, Yoga is the best option to get over your anxiety.
