View Full Version : i don't know what to do..

03-28-2010, 09:54 PM

03-29-2010, 04:25 AM
I'm sorry that you are feeling so lost and afraid. I don't mean to sound uncaring but your external circumstances are not the cause but the result of your anxiety. Please focus on the root cause of your pain, which is your anxiety. Your anxiety is now a raging tornado of negativity and it is destroying your relationships and your life.

Can you get to a doctor and get yourself checked out and properly diagnosed for physical causes of your anxiety? Stuff like drug interactions, nutritional deficiencies and thyroid problems could be the cause.

If it is anxiety disorder, try to find the strength to not take drugs until you find some cognitive behavioral therapy. CBT works like a charm for anxiety disorder. Drugs will only cover things up and make your life worse in the long run.

If you can't afford CBT, try ordering a good anxiety program off the internet or go get a book by Claire Weekes from the library or bookstore. These are all based on CBT.

If it is anxiety, you can be cured without drugs. You'd be surprised how quickly and effectively.

Good luck and be well,

03-29-2010, 09:04 AM
Amanda, Hi there!

Well, It's quite normal to have those thoughts... You're really concerned about seeing him..

It seems that all of these thoughts are wizzing around you're head constantly, and it's causing you to feel like this!

Just remember, the more you have these negative thoughts, the more you think, the more they become real and exaggerate. Your head is now tired, which then fuel the thoughts, and therefore it's difficlt to think rationally!

Bascially, at the moment, you've got this horrible cycle wizzing around you're head.. and everything will turn out fine, trust me!

See them for what they are, thoughts. Just like passing clouds!

A thought is just a thought!.....

Try to keep your brain occupied! remember, you can only think of one thing at once!

You'll be fine, trust me.. It may seem quite a big thing at the moment!

all the best,

03-29-2010, 05:20 PM
A few years back, I was diagnosed with GAD and the doctor put me on a medication right away, but I never found a psychologist I liked and didn't start therapy. I'm trying to get myself into therapy, I know I need it for more than just an anxiety problem. I know I won't be better right away, but I need to start the process sooner than later. It really is ruining me! Thank you both for your encouraging words.

03-30-2010, 05:39 AM
I know! I bet it's so fustrating to think it's all in you're head.. I guess the thing to remember is that it will not be there forever, and you will get better, you just need to know what to do!

CBT is extremely effective... What I found worked for me was taking a low dose of citalopram (10/20mg) while undertaking the CBT really helped!

If you're in such a tired state, whatever they tell you, it doesn't really help.. so taking a low dose of medication will help you with the therapy. well, it worked for me! :)

Keep Going, and don't let this get you down!

"A thought is just a thought, the reality is that you are fine, and enjoying life!"