View Full Version : health anxiety - viral myocarditis fear at moment

03-27-2010, 01:05 PM
I have very specific health anxiety since childhood. A few days ago I got a flu bug with bad cough thats going round - my husband had it and despite antibitoics is still coughing. He doesn't worry about illness and all he said was he was shivery one night then hot next day.
I started coughing a few days ago then yesterday started aching horribly with shooting pains in arms legs and chest and then the shivers and shakes and temp of 101. then I went burning hot. My temp came down overnight but today feeling very very hot if I move around or drink hot drink. yesterday my heartbeat was very fast - its a bit slower today BUT I googled fast heartate and viruses and found out that a virus can go to your heart and the symptoms are same as those of flu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know its quite rare for this to happen but my health anxiety is worrying me silly that this has happened to me.
i am taking antibiotics for my worsening cough and bad chest but cannot get the worry of my heart out of my head.