View Full Version : is this anxiety

03-26-2010, 10:09 PM
hello everyone am i ever going to feel better? i just about a mon :unsure: th ago weened myself off of lexapro was doing good for awhile then all of a sudden i had this epispode at work offbalance red faced ended up going to minor emergency and they tell me its inner ear and sinus took a whole zpack was a little better then about 2 weels later hit me again this time offbalance almost every day today at work had anothe episode ears felt complety full shaky neck very stiff what is this i have a drs appointment mon i hope my anxietys not returning i feel completely helpless and want to feel better :unsure:

03-28-2010, 01:33 AM
The moment you say, I hope my anxiety's not returning, then yes you have anxiety disorder.

You didn't say if you got your ear infection checked out. Did you? You have to get that out of the way, otherwise your anxiety will feed on the fear that you have some kind of deadly virus or cancer waiting to kill you. If your doctor says you have no illness, then your panic attacks are causing your symptoms.

Did you really wean yourself off your meds? You are never supposed to do it on your own. Your doctor has to give you a weaning schedule.

I highly recommend you get into CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) to fix the root cause of your anxiety. If you follow instructions and give yourself time to heal, CBT cannot fail. If you can't afford CBT, try the programs you can buy off the internet. If you can't afford that, go to your local library and check out some books. I recommend books by Claire Weekes.

Good Luck