View Full Version : Questions...Help please!!!

03-26-2010, 03:51 PM
I've had anxiety off and on for about 4 years at this point. It started off with a nasty panic attack, heart palpitations, I was white as a ghost. Got heart checked out, everything came back good.

For the past year however, I've had anxiety everyday. Chest tightness, headache in back of head are troubling symptoms. But the one that gets to me the most is this off balance feeling I have. Not a dizziness, not really lightheaded, just off balance, like the floor is moving up and down. It's worse at night. And when my eyes are closed, I feel like my body is rocking back and forth. I've been beginning to tolerate it because I've been getting better, but is this even a normal symptom of anxiety? And it lasts all day long.

I'm ashamed to admit this, but I noticed I started getting the off balance feeling after one very bad day I had where I hit myself in the head several times after arguing with my girlfriend. I realize that inflicting pain on myself wasn't a smart idea, but I'm just worried I caused damage...or could this just be because of stress?

I'm seeing a neurologist in 2 weeks. Does anybody else have this problem, or had it before and could possibly shed some light for me? Thank you!!!