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03-23-2010, 07:42 PM
Hi there people,this feels quet weird joining this forum for some reason and I'm not to sure why? Anyway I've been feeling really strange recentlet and I just want a personal opinion from someone as to wether I have problems or not.
I'm usualy really confident outgoing person that is known to be a bit of a character to friends but recentlet iv had overwelming fear of meeting friends or even talking to my family , the fact that I'm usually confident and am now completley not worries me deepley and also I'm thinking that they have all noticed my weird behavior has messed me up even more. I stay in bed late till my family go work so I don't have face them wich is most pissing me off. The only time I'm not worried about social interaction is when I'm getting drunk in the weekend. Also when I'm in conversation I think about wether I'm staring to long so I look away and at that time I loose track of what there saying then they must realise I'm not listening! They must hate me for it these situations also add more fear above my steady amount worrying , this really sucks I'm getting too fed up now. One more main thing is the way I say things , I seem to sound bitter and pissed off at times when I'm really not nut anyway this is most of what's been going on recentlet , am I going mad? ( excuse the poor writing I'm on a I pod and can't correct anything)

03-24-2010, 01:30 AM

I suffer from both anxiety and depression. When I am depressed, I also do not want to talk to anyone, including family, and I seem to detatch myself from them. I also do this when anxious, as I am scared they will be able to tell how anxious I am and I am embarrassed :oops:

03-25-2010, 06:54 PM

in the best meaning possible I am glad I have the same thinking problems as you, it's nice to hear I'm not alone with this.do you think I have any Real issues here? I would love to see my gp but i am too scared. Saying all though I have had a good day today , I haven't felt too bad with working for my dad , it distracts me from my self.
It would be nice to hear back from you man, peace out x