View Full Version : can anyone relate

03-23-2010, 11:22 AM
I know everyone is different but I can't seem to find anyone who can relate to my symptoms. 5 years ago, during a very stressfull period of my life, I began to have a hand/arm tremor at all times, then severe insomnia, then a constant, never ending ringing in my ears, twitching and severe irritability. My symptoms never went away, they were even there in my sleep. Tried xanax, ambien, finally went to 4mg of clonazepam at night. While it kept all these symptoms in check so I could function, they never went away totally. Now they seem to be coming back in force. It just can not be normal to have these symptoms for 5 years non stop.

I went to a new pysch who has diagnosed me with depression and anxiety and prescribed effexor. I am afraid to take ssri's because of side effects.

It also seems wierd that my symtoms are anxiety symptoms, yet I'm diagnosed with depression?

any help/suggestions

03-24-2010, 01:27 AM

I have the same symptoms as yourself, amongst others!

I have taken SSRI's in the past and for me they really helped. I took Citalopram. With any drug you introduce to your body you will get side affects but normally with SSRI's the side affects only last for about 4 weeks, until the medication gets into your system and starts working. I would suggest giving it a go. The only time I feel normal and able to cope is when I am taking medication!

03-24-2010, 11:31 AM

thanks for the upbeat words. So you had constant tremors, ear ringing and others. Sorry to hear that, but it makes me feel I'm not crazy. I just started effexor today so we'll see where it takes me in a few weeks.

I'm still on my clonazepam at night for sleep, for now. The goal is to get off of that at some point because it is a heavy sedative, but you have to slowly wean off it for medical reasons.

OK, feel well