View Full Version : Sucsess Stories

03-23-2010, 05:47 AM
Has anyone on here got or here of any sucess stories, on over coming there anxitey???

Would be great to know, key things in which you think helped you!!

03-23-2010, 07:47 AM
The only thing I discovered for truly overcoming my anxiety is taking ownership of it as your own challenge to fix. Medication can help, but relying on it entirely will only set you up for failure in the future. You need to actively confront your anxiety on a daily basis and constantly retrain your mind that you can overcome it.

Don't view it as a linear process either; you'll have bad days!! You'll have days where you feel worse than you ever have before, and you'll want to give up and accept the lie that you can't change. But consider that you'll also have good days, and you can ultimately retrain your mind with enough work. Some recover more quickly than others, and everyone is different, so don't let someone else's quick success or failure deter you.

I speak from experience; I overcame it once, but it came back recently, so I'm in the recovery process again.