View Full Version : Weird feeling I get while walking

03-23-2010, 05:33 AM
I have this issue. I can be walking along fine then all of a sudden it feels like I step on a water bed, or the ground gets spongey for a step or two. I don't lose my balance, or fall. It' first started happening when I overtrained, in june. It came along with headaches when straining, waking up several times in night, sometimes with contracted neck muscles, etc. The problems disapeared when I took a rest. I Was freaked out then, and made a CT scan. Everything was fine according to it. The neurosurgeon told me that CT is ok but that I seem that i have "Psychologicaly changed a bit" and should go to the neurologist for examination. I also made a scan of neck arteries and EEG, both was ok. The problem dissapeared around december and I did not get it untill 3 days ago. I have been getting it 3 days in a row, each day. I don't have a clue what it is, can anyone help me?

03-26-2010, 04:00 PM
I have the same exact thing going on. I'm going to see a neurologist in 2 weeks, I'm hoping to get some answers. I've had bloodwork done, I go to see a chiropractor for the aches and pains in my neck. The most important advice I can give you is don't get freaked out about it, because that will make it 10x worse. When I'm having a stressful day (which is pretty much every day for me) it gets really bad. They say 'feels like the floor is moving up and down' is a classic sign of stress/anxiety. And having the anxiety makes us super self-aware of every physical ailment, whether it be big or small. Sorry I can't shed more light, but you are not alone in how you feel!!!!

03-28-2010, 02:36 AM
Interesting, from the past two months I had been having neck discomfort, almost pain doing certain movements. I have been training my neck really hard, with neck harness, putting serious weight on it. Maybe I have done something wrong. An expert told that these are the symptoms of cervicobrachial syndrome and that I should make x-ray scan too see if it's that. I have been to the physioterapeutis once for one hour, she noticed that my head was titled to the right side, from tension in trapezius and neck area. It has helped a bit with aches, but the retarded walking feeling remains.

Have you made any scans of your neck?

Stay strong.

04-02-2010, 05:44 AM
It will be better for you to consult a doctor for this issue as he will provide you with some stuffs that will helpful for you to get over this. It happens with most of the people I found and they just get so stressed out due to this feeling and finds difficulty while sleeping. It can be beneficial for you to get through natural meds and yoga for relieving your mind.
