View Full Version : Am i truly agoraphobic?

03-22-2010, 11:01 PM
Hey everyone,
I still feel unsatistfied with my diagnoses and was wondering if you guys found it accurate. so heres a quick history: im currently in my late teens finishing up high school and have been seeing various types of mental health proffesionals since i was 8 or 9. but only for short periods of time because i found myself unsatistfied. as a kid i was super anxious and started having panic attacks based on obsessions really young ( from feeling ashamed of dissapointing people by not doing hw or silly things like vomit which i found really disgusting). This made me afraid to do things that other kids could do ( play sports, or go to parties) , and was a bit of a loser.
So growing up i felt very isolated which led to depression in my earlier teens. Ive since gotten alot better and can now drink and go to parties and stuff. but i feel like ive seperated myself from alot of emotions to do this and feel like im putting on a show most days and just avoiding anxiety provoking things like hw so that i can have friends. People dont take me seriously because i laugh alot of things of even though i still have all this anxiety hidden inside. Im still a really obsessive person and spend hrs of my day rumenating of thinking about a situation that could or has happened. I feel like i have to think it to the end for some reason or i might have a panic attack :( . Im also pretty sure i have ntimacy issues since i find i have very few meaningful relationships since they all take so much time for me to think about. Anyways so ive been diagnosed with SAD,and panic disorder with agoraphobia. and currently dont take meds. but feel very seperated from others and directionless (always felt this way so please dont attribute this to my age)
anywho ive bared my soul to you guys :tongue: and was wondering if u agreed with the diagnoses, and if yes if you had any tips for me to start living a more balanced life since i often have very low lows and high highs

04-05-2010, 11:20 AM
Im not going to speak out on diagnosis Im afraid as I am not a doctor and do not know you that well . I think friendship and social relations in generalare very important and it is a good thing to cultivate . It seems to me you are leading a normal life of a teenager except for the fact that you seem someone who tends to think alot ( which is not uncommon ) and you seem to care for other peoples opinions about you in a way which is not very constructive for you or them . I would say caring for other peoples opinions is a good quality , as long as it doesnt feed off your confidence and selfawareness . With your homework issue for example, think of your own motivations to do it . It is important becaue it will teach you discipline , give you knowledge and the chance to make your life as an adult a richer , easier and more fullfilling one . Besides that it will prevent the adults around you from worrying too much about you , which would be very beneficial to you aswell . So try and face that . I hope you find the strength in yourself to do that and to handle other things as well . Aside of that try to exercise ( I dont know if you do that allready ) and eat healthy . These are two things that will probably make you feel more relaxed and fresh in your mind . I hope you find something interesting in here and I wish you the best .