View Full Version : sudafed

03-20-2010, 08:07 AM
i have had some sinus problem well i think it is...took two sudafed this morning and holy hell my blood pressure went up i got very light headed and my anxiety went sky high which then set off all my symptoms of burning left arm face etc and i found it very hard to calm myself down until i read that it was a reaction to the meds ppl with bad anxiety cannot take this.. well thanks bit late now :x

03-22-2010, 03:06 PM
i have had some sinus problem well i think it is...took two sudafed this morning and holy hell my blood pressure went up i got very light headed and my anxiety went sky high which then set off all my symptoms of burning left arm face etc and i found it very hard to calm myself down until i read that it was a reaction to the meds ppl with bad anxiety cannot take this.. well thanks bit late now :x


I always get sinus pain and a sore throat etc, and took sudafed today as I always do. And like you, my heart is thumping today! there doesnt seem to be anything in the info about anxiety but it makes totaly sense if it does have an effect?

is there another medication for sinus pain which doesnt do this have u heard?


03-23-2010, 04:57 AM
i went online nd read that sudefed is an upper which raises blood pressure which is why we get anxious...sinatabs are ok but it takes long for the sinuses to drain with them..i use sudefed still but just take one instead of 2 x

03-23-2010, 05:38 AM
Hi tinkerbell_11 :D

Just for your info
In australia we are ment to have a register in chemists for these types of drugs .

Why i hear you asked . Well one of the parts of these drugs are used by illegal drug makers for making speed and they were doing drug runs in different chemists in order to get enough to supply them with enough of the active ingeridant they need to make speed . sudafed's active ingredient is the main ingrediant in speed and meth

I am sure you would know what speed can do to someone. So it really seem logical that someone with a system on high would feel the effects of this more than the norm .

Oh and for your sinus , try a neti pot with warm salty water , works for me

cheers kev :D

03-23-2010, 06:01 AM
i read that its used for speed...which is worrying muchly. i will try the salt thanks x

04-03-2010, 10:54 AM
I have horrible sinus issues... mainly headaches but I always take tylenol allergy. There are a billion different kinds, but the one i take has acetaminophen, chlorpheniramine maleate (antihistamine) and phenylephrine (instead of pesudoephedrine). The antihistamine seems to balance out the decongestant for me which gives you the racing heart etc. The antihistamine may make you feel like your heart is beating harder, but slower. Just something to try if you're up to it.