View Full Version : exercise not helping

03-19-2010, 11:18 PM
hi i read exercise is suppose to help anxiety but for me it only makes it worst everytime i go bike riding or go for a walk. for me im always thinking my heart is just going to give out somewhere when i have been tested and the doctors all say its working fine. and then when im done exercisng and come home and sit down my heart rate is because i exercised but that scares me when its going that fast even after a workout i keep thinking my heart is going to just stop and im at a healthy weight 110lbs 19 year old male. ive been told to gain weight my doc said have some sweets and just stop worrying so much about your heart and that im no where near the age group to even think about it. so should i just keep exercsing or what. i always push thru the exercise. i was told i have high anxiety 2 years ago and all the meds i was on only worstened the anxiety so im not currently taking any kind of meds.

03-22-2010, 10:23 PM
Hi Jason,

Although exercise is important and can assist in relieving anxiety for some people it doesnt always have that effect.

Anxiety is the unconscious minds way of telling you to focus on what you want rather than what you dont want.

There are various methods of alleviating anxiety, perhaps one of the most effective methods that I use is a combination of Hypnosis, NLP and Time Line Therapy.

Sometimes the methods are so effective that the anxiety is gone within one session.

If you need more info please let me know.

03-24-2010, 03:07 PM
I used to exercise all the time - I was very healthy. When I started having anxiety issues (and I did have a rapid pulse that I ended up in the ER with which they think was supraventricular tachychardia - not dangerous, but uncomfortable) - now when I try to exercise, even go for a walk, my heart rate increases and I get scared that I am going to go into palpitations, even though the doctors said I could exercise. Does anyone have any help for me to get over this so I can exercise again and get in shape?

03-24-2010, 07:11 PM
see thats how i was i used to be an avid biker going on trails i did the BMX stuff the mountain biking everything that i could do with a bike i tried. Lately for me i have been having OCD i guess about breathing like breathing was on my mind am i taking a deep enough breath oh know what if im not breathing right stuff along those lines. Now i just been riding my bike at a parking lot with no hills or anything just to try and build my confindence that im fine and overthinking. I think for me to is its been a bad winter i havent been able to go out an do anything and my anxiety is now affecting how i exercise. I have been checked out before about a year ago and back then my doc said everything is fine and im healthy as can be but i just cant get it in my head yet. sorry this isnt helpful probably maybe try doing some light exercise maybe go for a short walk and walk at a comfortable pace if you have an iPod or something with music take it while your walking and just try building up in your head that your doctor said to exercise. if you ever want to talk you can always private message me. my anxiety is always acting up.

03-24-2010, 07:45 PM
Thanks for the reply. I guess I just need to get my confidence level back up again.

04-01-2010, 09:24 PM
Exercise relieves anxiety symptoms for a few hours. It does nothing to cure it. Same with eating a healthy diet and cutting out smokes, coffee and alcohol.

There's only one cure for anxiety and that's getting into some form of CBT, some structured program that will change your thought and behavior patterns. And you should also make positive lifestyle changes like diet, exercise, meditation, yoga and whatnot simultaneously with your prgram.

So get into CBT. If you can't afford or have no access to CBT, get one of those internet anxiety treatment programs. I did one of those with great success. They are based on CBT. You can also get books based on CBT at the library. As your local librarian.

The catch is that with internet programs and books, you have to design your own program (there are so many different types of anxiety disorders, not all will apply to you) and guide and heal yourself. You need to dig deep and pull out some self-discipline. Use that oversupply of adrenaline to help you.

04-02-2010, 01:46 AM
I dont understand why you are doing bike riding, it will not going to relax you. It will be better if you try some breathing exercises with meditation in morning and before going to bed, this will going to relax you mind and you will definitely feel good and calm.


04-02-2010, 07:03 AM
Does anyone also have trouble with weight loss? I think I have lost around 18 pounds. I try to eat, but I just can't seem to eat enough - which probably doesn't help with my trying to feel better and exercise.

04-02-2010, 02:40 PM
im doing bike riding because its a long time favorite exercise and i want to push myself to keep doing it so i can get over the stupid anxiety today i played football and basketball and was fine so im hoping things are getting back to normal since the weather has been nice and sunny ive been in better moods

04-02-2010, 03:14 PM
im doing bike riding because its a long time favorite exercise and i want to push myself to keep doing it so i can get over the stupid anxiety today i played football and basketball and was fine so im hoping things are getting back to normal since the weather has been nice and sunny ive been in better moods

my opinion, from one cyclist to another... I used to road race up to about ten years ago, but carried on still doing some sensible touring, and over the winter picked up a new road bike and started getting back out on the road a lot more.

I understand why you are riding, been there, and if you love it it is one thing that can help. The one time I am completely comfortable with things is when I am on the bike.

However, some things to understand. Your body and mind is not what it used to be. When i rode seriously, the exhaustion, the pushing yourself, the pain was part of why I loved it, that was the challenge, pushing yourself as far as you can. You cant do that now. I know when i started riding again over december, any slight breathlessness was making me panic and hyperventilate, i was worried i was out of shape so much i was going to die etc. You get 10km down the road, start feeling uncomfortable and start panicking that you are not going to manage the ten k home again.

Treat the cycling like you do other aspects of your life. Small steps. Im now three months on riding fairly comfortably. Certainly much better than I was. The power is gradually coming back and the fitness is returning and with it Im breathless less often, so theres less anxiety etc.

Turn an easier gear than you used to, take it easy initially, keep your cadence sensible, maybe 50-60 rpm, whereas I used to ride at about 110rpm. Riding with other people is much easier, especially if they are people of lower ability. When i ride with the wife she trundles along at 15kph and I am fine, becuase it means i ride within my limits, and I can ride 50-100k like that. When I ride alone I tend to push myself a bit harder, and after 5-10k i am killing myself. You dont have to get yourself up the hill on the outside ring, go up in granny gear and just enjoy being out on the bike.

As for the breathing, one thing that will help especially in the weather is a scarf or muffler so you are breathing through the cloth. It warms the air and beleive me it us much much easier to breathe then. I struggled in the cold air really badly, i was out of breath halfway up hills, a scarf around the mouth really helps.

Do it, but take it easy, like I say, your body isnt what it was. You dont have to ride faster or better than everyone, just go along at your own pace, maybe as low as 10-20kph, keep warm, use light gears uphill to keep your breathing comfortable. But it is good for you.

Dont know where you are. If by some co-incidence you are anywhere near exeter im happy to go for a ride. Also know a few people in london who take social rides around richmond park from time to time. One of whom is a sufferer like the rest of us.


04-02-2010, 03:19 PM
Another thing. If you dont already have a speedo on your bike, get one. If you do use it.

I cant trust my mind to know when im beyond my limits, i find out afterwards, so i use the speedo constantly.

Going uphill i glance down, if im doing 20kph uphill even if i feel comfortable, i slow down to about 13kph.. you dont need to do 20 up a hill, 13 is fine for the exercise. Discover what speeds feel comfortable and start using them to control your exercise. If the gear feels like it is fine, but you are pushing, then drop down a gear to where it is easy.

Youll get there.. But I do know what a relief the bike can be.

04-02-2010, 04:21 PM
I haven't read any of the replies, but jma, I can assure you that it IS helping, but it does take time..

When I was having seriously anxiety, I used to go out everyday without fail, holding my tiers back for months upon months, but I gradually got better, exposing myself to my fears everyday.

You need to accept that it will not go straight away.. Your anxiety is going to feel bad at the beginning, but gradually, you'll improve. If you can still do the things you want to do with you anxiety, you'll soon realise that you are able to live comfortably with your anxiety, and it will improve!

what you can not do is bottle up and stay in you're home!

Accept that what you are thinking are JUST thoughts!

All the best my friend, keep us updated!

Keep going and be strong!

04-04-2010, 05:47 PM
thanks for the replies i have been getting better the weather is finally getting where you can be outside all day and not get cold the other day went to play football with friends i was worrying but i pushed myself to do it and then the other day was out playing with my niece thing is ive been applying and reapplying at every store company you name it for work only had 2 interviews and never got a job that worries me to because what am i doing wrong ive been doing under the table work which is fine but since the weather is starting to get awesome here in Pennsylvania im going to start biking and walking and just keep my mind from wondering. what if?

04-08-2010, 08:02 AM
I think exercise does more to help relieve depression than anxiety. Many times a person suffers from both and exercise can help. But with anxiety, it seems from reading everyone's post that you get anxious and worried about your heart rate during exercise. It's almost like you are putting yourself into a situation that will spark your anxiety. To make sure your heart beat doesn't raise too much that you could tell, you could always do low-intensity workouts along with walking or swimming leisurely. The more intense the exercise, the more your heart rate will increase and the more anxious you will get.