View Full Version : What a relief!

03-18-2010, 04:59 PM
Hi everyone
Just seeing this site and reading some of the posts has already reassured me that I'm not alone in dealing with the horrible effects of anxiety/depression. When I had my first panic attack and found out that I had an anxiety disorder I was annoyed with myself and embarrassed that I could not control my emotions. I felt mentally and physically weak and didn't want to tell my friends and family in case they thought I was some sort of freak. I still have this fear to a degree and only my close family and a handful of my friends are aware of my situation. I'd like to learn to control my anxiety because recently it has become a real problem and I'm avoiding more and more everyday situations (going to work, going to the shops, social activities) due to the fear of having a panic attack in that situation - "what would happen if I passed out and died right here in front of all these people??"- so I need to do something about it!
Anyway, any tips for controlling anxiety or riding out a panic attack would be really appreciated

03-19-2010, 01:31 PM
I get that exact thought ALL THE TIME!!! I picture how embrassed I would be if I passed out in public, or what I would like to everyone else if I died. I HATE IT!!! I am actually panicky right now as we speak because I have to go to work in about 10 minutes. I just dont want to go. I went grocery shopping today only cuz I had too, I dont want to avoid places and activities, but I am too scared to do the stuff. I am in cognitive behavioral therapy for 7 months now, no meds as of now, although I wouldnt mind having some to feel some sort of relief of the constant terror. Aare you in any programs? If not, I would be happy to e-mail you some of the resources I have and the panic journals I have from therapy that have reallyhelped me out, also exposure therapy forms that help as well. Let me know ;)

03-29-2010, 07:15 AM
The best thing I can advise is to try to make the feeling worse and push them to the edge

This sounds mad but tit can help you feel more in control

have you considered that there maight be a supressed emotion driving all this behaviour?