View Full Version : Benzo Question & Site Not Working

03-18-2010, 09:03 AM
I tried to post this response 8 times and the site would not post???

Kev is right

Once you have anxiety or panic you are on over the cliff and falling. Recovery is doing the work to stay far from the cliff so nothing will push you over.

Benzodiazepines alter the GABA/Glutamate neurotransmitter system (in part) so that our calming natural neurotransmitters will no longer bind properly or in great enough numbers...the result can be more profound anxiety and especially if the drug is stopped.

NO ANXIETY PERSON should ever take mood stabilizers or antipsychotics. These are powerful drugs that often cause permanent neurological damage with symptoms that many have found worse than anxiety. These should be reserved solely for major mental illness and even that is coming into question as new research shows other alternatives