View Full Version : FINALLY A DIAGNOSIS!!!!!

I MedusaX I
03-15-2010, 06:08 PM

For years now I have had trouble with my anxiety, depression, and alcoholism. Here is a quick rundown of where it all started:

When I was 12, I watched my father die in front of me, literally. Blood everywhere, internal organs on the carpet, etc. This lead to PTSD which was never treated. Then I turned to Alcohol, which in turn lead to Alcoholism. Then I isolated myself and drank constantly which lead to Social Anxiety Disorder. Now that I am 25, my diagnosis is Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia (Social Anxiety can fall in this category too), Major Depressive Disorder, and Alcoholism. Finally, I get a diagnosis that makes sense to me. I never even thought of Agoraphobia until my current Psychiatrist brought it up. I did my research and everything fits. Finally, I am able to be treated with Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Psycho Therapy, D/A Conseling, and Psych Meds.

IT was a disaster trying to find the right combo of MEDS. See my Medication History in the "I'm really going crazy here..." topic in the Med Forum. My doctors said I had BiPolar, Paranoia Disorder, Social Anxiety, it just seemed like no one knew what they were talking about and/or every doctor had a different diagnosis.

In conjuction with PsychoTherapy and Conseling, I am taking:

Klonopin 1mg 2 times a day
Wellbutrin 100mg once per day (could be increased, will be soon)
Geodon 60 mg twice per day (ROUGH MEDICATION. See my other topic.)
Ambien at bedtime (DO NOT TAKE WITH GEODON)

So far so good. I have even created my own treatment plan in conjuction with my therapists' plan. Here is a rundown of it.


(0-2) Slight Anxiety that falls into the normal range with no visible signs of physical symptoms. Caused primarily by normal stressors such as bills, lack of sleep, problems with vehicle, work, a simple argument with someone, etc. Reasoning ability isn’t affected and I am able to calm myself within a few minutes with relaxation and self talk. I am rarely ever in this category without medication.

(3-4) Moderate Anxiety that begins to affect thinking, reasoning ability, and visible physical symptoms may occur. Symptoms may include pacing, racing thoughts, inability to concentrate, increased breathing, irritability, and unable to stay still. Relaxation techniques and self talk will sometimes reduce the anxiety. Typically my anxiety is in this level when I am at a “safe” place, prior to panic.

(5-6) Severe Anxiety that greatly affects reasoning ability and visible physical symptoms will occur. Symptoms may include sweating, shaking, nausea, pacing, inability to concentrate and reason, change in tone of voice, isolation and avoidance, increased heart rate and shortness of breath. Panic may begin to occur without intervention and relaxation. This range is caused by anticipatory anxiety.

(7- Fear and Panic begins to take place. The symptoms include everything in the lower measurements, however, I may begin to have constant fear and dread of what I am expecting to happen and I have a complete inability to reason without an intervention. I begin looking for hiding places or a quick escape to where I consider a safe place. Additional symptoms may include dizziness, vertigo, overwhelming fear, etc. This level is for when I leave a “safe” place such as leaving home, going into a public location, invading my personal space, etc.

(9-10) Panic Attack occurs. The symptoms include everything in the lower measurements, however, I now have a complete loss of physical and mental control. I may have an overwhelming fear of dying. Additional symptoms may include vomiting, fainting, chest pains, unable to stand, feeling hopeless, tingling sensations, etc. Afterwards the symptoms may persist for hours after the attack, including dizziness, weakness, fatigue, nausea, and fear of another attack.

I keep track of where I fall on the list every two hours so I can identify patterns and triggers:

Sunday- 9 AM ( ) 11 AM ( ) 1 PM ( ) 3 PM ( ) 5 PM ( ) 7 PM ( )
9 PM ( ) 11 PM ( ) 1 AM ( )
Additional Notes –

Monday- 9 AM ( ) 11 AM ( ) 1 PM ( ) 3 PM ( ) 5 PM ( ) 7 PM ( )
9 PM ( ) 11 PM ( ) 1 AM ( )
Additional Notes –

Tuesday- 9 AM ( ) 11 AM ( ) 1 PM ( ) 3 PM ( ) 5 PM ( ) 7 PM ( )
9 PM ( ) 11 PM ( ) 1 AM ( )
Additional Notes –

Wednesday- 9 AM ( ) 11 AM ( ) 1 PM ( ) 3 PM ( ) 5 PM ( ) 7 PM ( )
9 PM ( ) 11 PM ( ) 1 AM ( )
Additional Notes –

Thursday- 9 AM ( ) 11 AM ( ) 1 PM ( ) 3 PM ( ) 5 PM ( ) 7 PM ( )
9 PM ( ) 11 PM ( ) 1 AM ( )
Additional Notes –

Friday- 9 AM ( ) 11 AM ( ) 1 PM ( ) 3 PM ( ) 5 PM ( ) 7 PM ( )
9 PM ( ) 11 PM ( ) 1 AM ( )
Additional Notes –

Saturday- 9 AM ( ) 11 AM ( ) 1 PM ( ) 3 PM ( ) 5 PM ( ) 7 PM ( )
9 PM ( ) 11 PM ( ) 1 AM ( )
Additional Notes –

NEXT: I use this form for any signifcant mood changes.

Identifying Anxiety and Panic Triggers
*Document any events that trigger my anxiety, panic, depression, anger, and any significant changes in mood. Document what happened, how it makes me feel, what I am thinking, physical and mental symptoms, what steps I took to calm myself and how I feel afterwards.
Date, Day and Time -

What happened?

How am I feeling?

What are my thoughts?

Any physical symptoms?

Steps used to calm myself?

How did I resolve the situation?

How do I feel now?

How can I handle the situation differently if it were to happen again?

NEXT: I use this to document any improvements.

*Document anything I have done that I consider an improvement to my condition. Examples include social interaction and leaving home.
Date, Day and Time-

What did I do and what happened?

Why did I do it?

How was I feeling (mood) at that time?

How did I manage those feelings?

How did I feel afterwards and/or how do I feel now?

What am I most proud of?

I came up with this plan and it has helped my therapists and Psychiatrist help me wonders. I also have a complete list of ALL my panic attack triggers now and a complete list of my Medication History and the effects of the Medication.

I am making progress for once and I am proud of myself. Any thoughts?

03-18-2010, 10:50 AM
My diagnosis is GEneralized Anxiety Disorder: panic @ agorophobia stem off of it. I am not on any meds since I am afraid to take pills. I have been in cognitive behavioral therapy for 7 months. I see improvements, but still got a long way to go. I drink because of my anxiety & I know I get more anxiety from drinking: just the usual vicious cycle. I am glad you have a plan down...does the pills help you to not drink since the panic is under control?

I MedusaX I
03-18-2010, 11:22 AM
My diagnosis is GEneralized Anxiety Disorder: panic @ agorophobia stem off of it. I am not on any meds since I am afraid to take pills. I have been in cognitive behavioral therapy for 7 months. I see improvements, but still got a long way to go. I drink because of my anxiety & I know I get more anxiety from drinking: just the usual vicious cycle. I am glad you have a plan down...does the pills help you to not drink since the panic is under control?

Don't be afraid to take pills. Just be safe and catious about it. How often do you drink? Would you consider yourself an alcoholic?

If you are going to take meds, you can't drink, it is VERY dangerous. Some people can die instantly from doing this.

Im not Psych, but would reccomend an Anti-depressant like Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, or Lexapro in conjuction with Buspar or a PRN pill such as Vistril for your anxiety. I WOULD NOT reccomend a Benzodazepine if you consider yourself an alcohoic, or drink heavily and frequently, unless you have at least 1 year of sobriety under you belt.

And no, the only meds that help your "cravings" for alcohol would be like Comporal.

03-19-2010, 01:24 PM
I drink everyday....not drunk everyday...and I function and do what I have to do...but LOVE to take the anxiety away with a few drinks when I get home from work. I definitely dont crave the alcohol, just crave the feeling to not be so anxious. I have been in therapy for 7 months, its helping, but I am going to a Homeopathic Doc in April to get hormones tested because I am definitly "off the chain" more than I am during that time of the month :twisted: so maybe I will get some answers there..maybe its hormone related. I will keep you posted how that goes. Thanks for the response. ;)