View Full Version : new to the forum and to anxiety/panic help!

03-14-2010, 05:30 PM
so i found this thread/forum and wanted to post cuz im new to having panic attacks and anxiety. i was on the antibiotic cipro for two weeks and three days after i finished the cipro i started feeling very lightheaded along with panic attacks, flushing, shaking, hot flashes, and cold chills, racing heart beats, all that jazz. So i was unsure what was going on, went to the ER a bunch and my doctor and everyone said oh you have anxiety and panic attacks or svt. then they said officially i have severe panic attacks and anxiety and it formed ocd.

they put me on lorazapam and i take .5mg and it helps but makes me very sleepy but i still have occasional racing heart and dizzyness. im trying everything to get through this but sometimes its just like "wow when is this sh** gonna end?!" so now this has been going on for about a month and it seems like all this stuff just makes me wake up dreading how im gonna feel that day. every little thing i do takes everything i have and i can barely walk from the couch to the door before getting anxiety. if someone or anyone can give me some advice on what to do or what they experience, that would be amazing!

I am not depressed or anything like that and ive never experienced this type of stuff with panic/anxiety till now and im at a loss for words and things to do to help. i go to the doc and they just think im crazy and couldnt find anything wrong so it assured me a bit but now im faced with the new battle of panic and anxiety!

03-14-2010, 05:41 PM
Cipro and all the fluoroquinolone antibiotics can alter the brains GABA system causing profound anxiety - there are whole forums of people with this - they call themselves "Floxies"


03-14-2010, 06:16 PM
oh ok...is the forum on this site?

03-18-2010, 08:01 PM
I had my first so called anxiety attack back in November rushed to the er thought for sure I was having a heart attack released with what they say was anxiety about a month later right before Christmas back in the same spot with the same results. Quit smoking quit caffeine and dropped fifty pounds since then. Watch what I eat excercise and everything else but the attacks continue I'm currently wearing a ECG loop monitor for thirty days have recorded nine attacks in three days. On my inintial visit with this doctor he thought I probably have tachycardia not anxiety so he prescribed the monitor makes no sense to me since my resting pulse is 55 and goes to about 120 during a workout none of my episodes of so called anxiety have had fast heartbeats except the first 2 the last 50. Or so have been free of a racing heart. I feel like I'm losing it my wife pretty much gets pissed when I get an attack she's frustrated with the whole thing rightfully so but now I feel like I'm in this battle alone any advice is greatly appreciated

03-19-2010, 06:11 AM
Not on this forum - you will need to Google it - it is becoming a major health problem