View Full Version : numbness and sick stomach

03-14-2010, 07:18 AM
does anyone get a numbness from the left side of there chest and down there left arm,
i have it the last week or so and it driving me mad, i had an ecg about 4 or 5 weeks ago and was normal it just this is driving me nuts ,
i also have a sick stomach all the time and find it really hard to eat,
can anyone relate to this just to put my mind at rest.

03-14-2010, 11:09 AM
i totally get this is well my left arm burns then goes numb...my stomach always feels sore and so does my chest dont worry your not alone x

03-14-2010, 01:57 PM
I don't know about you, but having the stomach flu is one of the worst common "sicknesses" I can think of. Whether you are paying tribute to the porcelain god from one end or the other (or both), a stomach flu bug or a bout of food poisoning is enough to make you never want to eat again ... EVER. Luckily there are some foods to get you on the way to your old self in no time.
Ginger Food that is excellent for your digestive system and can quell nausea is ginger. Ginger is also loaded with antioxidants and is good for your entire body. You can eat ginger raw or you can also use it in meals. If you are suffering from nausea, you can drink ginger tea as this, like peppermint tea, can keep you from getting sick.

Quoted from:
http://www.insidershealth.com/article/recovering_from_an_upset_stomach_eat_and_avoid_the se_10_foods/2649

03-15-2010, 12:26 PM
Never had any numbness/burning but I can totally relate to the stomach problems. Any time I have anxiety, my stomach is in complete knots. It literally makes me nauseous to even think about eating.

03-15-2010, 04:20 PM
thanks for the replys .
sorry for not responding sooner,

well last night i made the desision to got to the doctors to get this pain and numbness seen to once and for all,

so they checked me over and done a ecg and everything was normal,
so at least now i no in my own mind that everything is fine.

just to let you know i wasnt anxios or in bad form when i made the disision to go to the docs ,
it was just one of those things i wanted to set myself straight on.