View Full Version : Physical symptoms of Anxiety-How to deal?

03-20-2006, 11:19 PM
I have been treated for anxiety for about the past two years now with a comb. of medication (effexor and klonopin) and therapy. One of the first things that happened when I started meds was that the physical symptoms or side effects of anxiety went away (mainly palpitations and chest tightness). For the past couple days I have had almost constant, albeit fairly mild, tightness in my chest. Other than it being annoying, I am not overly concerned. My heart and everything was checked out before and no problems whatsoever so I feel it must just be related to anxiety. And this is the first time this symptom has come back except for a couple episodes after I went off meds during my pregnancy.

Long story short, I guess I just don't know where to go from here. Do I call my psychiatrist? Do I call my primary physician to again rule out other issues? Do I wait it out?

Part of me is just so tired of doctors. I had a baby in November, then had treatment and physical therapy for herniated disks, plus my therapy and psych appointments.

03-22-2006, 10:26 AM
vcranny, for the chest tightness.. maybe try some flexibility exercises to see if that helps? (if your doctor approves). I find that chest tightness I get sometimes does tend to go away when I exercise (I do cardio, strength, and flexibility training now and then)

If you get more symptoms I would check with the doctor to see what they suggest.

03-22-2006, 02:04 PM
most of it can be sorted by relaxation techniques. Breathing exercises wil definatly help in some way. To me its instant relief and i can easily prevent a panic attack in the home by using them. I cant use them as effectivly when Im out and about yet tho :S

03-22-2006, 02:11 PM
HI vcrannyc!

When I get chest pains, I just run and take a plain old aspirin right away. I figure it's probably nothing but my anxiety, but if for some reason I'm about to have a heart attack, I think the aspirin might prevent it. Goofy? It works though.