View Full Version : Zoloft and bowel problems? :-(

03-12-2010, 04:57 PM
I started out with just 25 mg, then 50, 100 and now 150. Until going to 150 a little over a week ago, i did have stomach discomfort, some heartburn and constipation. which were all slowly going away. Now i seem to be having quite a bit of diarrhea, cramping or loose bowels 2-3 times a day. I'm not even sure if it is from the Zoloft, if it is, i really hope it gets better! Imodium helps, but i don't want to use it too often. I also changed my stomach digestive enzyme supplement, Zygest, to the one with a probiotic, i wonder if that could do it? Any thoughts?

03-15-2010, 05:36 PM

IIRC I started Protonix because of heartburn issues from Zoloft, so that doesn't sound out of the realm of it. I've had more constipation lately, but that might be from lack of appetite or what I'm eating than anything else.

I just try and watch what I eat so that it doesn't aggravate the condition. Not necessarily a bad idea - since it's usually more of the "bad" foods that can make it worse. :D

03-22-2010, 10:39 AM
I was recently on Zoloft. I was on a much smaller dose but had similar feelings. I talked to my doctor and he adjusted my dose and when that didn't work he took me off it. I would definitely talk to your doctor.