View Full Version : My thoughts

03-20-2006, 10:33 AM
I've only found this site today, but it seems to me that everyone on here is normal, just different. We are all capable adults, but for some reason our confidence has been destroyed somewhere along the line and it's now affecting our lives in a major way. To tell you the truth, I'm getting pretty sick and tired of living my life in fear of what might happen, and I'm going to make every effort to face as many of my fears as I can. Who cares if I feel sick, or dizzy, or like my stomach is in knots. In fact, what's the big deal if I actually do throw up. The people who I love, and who I care about, know what I'm like, and they don't judge me. The people I don't know, well, their opinions really don't count for much at the end of the day anyway, so it doesn't matter what they think does it.

I've got a job interview tomorrow, it's my fourth in 5 weeks, and each interview I've had I've gone in all tense and feeling sick, but you know what? I actually got offered all previous three jobs!! In the end it was me who turned them down. Now what was I worried about? If someone likes me, they like me, if they don't, who cares. There's plenty of people I don't like, and I'm sure they don't lose any sleep over it.

I'm not trying to trivialise anxiety attacks. I've been completely debilitated by these over the last year or so, but I'll be damned if I'm going to sit back and let MY mind control me. I'm going to stop giving these attacks the power that they have, by facing my fears head on and as often as possible. I'm even considering doing a public speaking course as that is my biggest fear.

I just want to say to anyone who reads this, that we aren't abnormal, and we aren't alone, just look at how many people visit this site!!

Lastly, I think this site rocks!! Whoever developed it, good on you for doing something positive. I'm sure this site will help a lot of people for a long time.

Take care all, and remember, it is YOUR mind after all, you control it, it doesn't control you.

Steve :P

03-22-2006, 10:22 AM
steve, thats great you are tackling this thing head on. 'Feel the fear and do it anyway' that book title says hehe. It really is hard to not be affected by other people's opinions I have to admit, but if you can find a way to ignore (or at least not be so affected by) their judgments and believe in yourself like you do, then more power to ya :)

03-22-2006, 02:08 PM
welcome steve

hope we can help you to help yourself get better

its a long road, but every1 Ive seen on these boards has made steps towards getting over this

Good luck!