View Full Version : can anxiety cause this

03-09-2010, 01:47 PM
hi so as with many anxiety sufferers i am aware of my heart beat but lately i noticed it beats harder and faster when i go from a laying position to a sitting or standing to a sitting etc. when i change body positions i notice it beats harder and faster im at a healthy weight and height im 19 and even worst when i try to exercise theres usually never any pain along with it and when there is it is a quick pain and goes away i noticed to going up steps makes it worst i was told 2 years ago by doctors that my heart was in good shape i only put on 2lbs since 2 years ago as im one of them people that can eat a lot and not gain a pound so i was looking for some advice or someone to relate to this much thanks for anyone with any advice.

03-09-2010, 02:44 PM
Hi Jason. I have noticed lots of very strange sensations in my body which have caused me great concern. Some are similar to the ones you describe and some have been very different. For several months I was convinced I had a serious illness - actually several serious illnesses depending as and when my symptoms changed. It was and is awful when this happens. Obviously it is very difficult for me or anyone here to be able to say if you do have an underlying medical problem. However it seems that it is not unusual for people to experience these types of things but to be physically ok. I know that for me the slightest twinge can start me off thinking its the first sign of something terrible so I can relate to the anxiety feelings you are describing.

03-09-2010, 03:07 PM
yea i dont think theres underlying conditions because i have been checked out several times over the past 2 years but right now i dont have health insurance and a simple doctors visit costs 90 bucks and a trip to the ER even more and i was diganosed with anxiety two years ago but i too always think i have a serious possibly fatal condition it gets me scared when i am overall a healthy person im not overweight i dont smoke or do drugs my Blood pressure is normal i have one of those blood pressure machines for at home my resting heart rate is between 60-80 depending on if im having anxiety that day but just when i get up it beats harder idk if maybe im just worrying too much ive always been a worry type person ever since i can remember

03-13-2010, 02:03 PM
I HAVE HORRIBLE HEART SENSATIONS ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!! When I change positions I get the same sensations you get. It will either speed up or slow down and I get a bit dizzy then all goes back to normal! I have "skipped beats" all the time as well. I have had more heart tests than some eldery people have!!! I have had an echo, stress test, numerous ekg's, event recorder and 2 holter monitors. Of course all tests come out normal, even when I have having the symptoms. Dr. puts it off as anxiety, but when I am so aware of the workings of my heart, its hard to think it can be anxiety :o( Just know I have had all the scary heart sensations, and all the tests and all it is is anxiety...I know you are fine like me, but our minds make us think differently :roll:

03-13-2010, 06:39 PM
yes exactly i how i feel i had a lot of tests the past 2 years before i turned 18 and was off my parents insurance so now its hard if i even want to get a check up as im currently unemployed because of the damn economy so i just try to ignore it as much as i can i tell myself its anxiety but i still always worry im going to pass out someday or something terrible for me its when i get up it starts beating faster and harder but once i sit down bam it goes to normal but someday im fine and it doesnt do that but as of late its been acting up again my parents say its the season im always been worst thru the winter months but this year it seems as its gotten worst im glad i can relate to you but feel bad as i know what u r going thru and its very scary

03-15-2010, 05:46 AM
There are "rare" conditions that can cause heart palpilations and anxiety like symptoms. My husband was misdiagnosed for years with anxiety/depression. Just found out it is an adrenal tumor that releases epiphrine and norepiphrine (pheochromocytoma).

Get your MD to do a simple blood test for those type of hormones or a 24 hour urine collection test to rule it out...

03-17-2010, 04:25 PM
thanks i have had numerous blood tests which all came back perfect and saw several heart doctors they say its beating, functioning normally so i dont think its what you were saying but i do appreciate the response and will bring it up next time i go to the doctor. I get palpations usually when i am feeling nervous or panicky.

03-30-2010, 12:20 PM
My husband had blood work, cts, mri, x-rays, echo, ekg, over the years and none of them detected this small olive size pheochromocytoma. It was only after he had a urogram because he also got occasional blood in his urine that they discovered he had a small growth on the adrenal gland. Then they sent him to an endocrinologist and that doctor said lots of people have tumors on the adrenal and most of the time if they look non-cancerous and do not change size they do nothing, but he said we should check to rule out that it isn't producing hormones (adrenaline for my husband), so they did a number of blood tests including a catecholamines blood test to determine he actually had a tumor that needed to be removed. He is amazing calm and well now...all symptoms gone.

04-02-2010, 02:59 AM
Due to anxiety you heart started to beat so much which causes severe depression and increased blood pressure. Anxiety may varies person to person and needs to be diagnosed at the initial level to get proper treatment.

I have seen many people who vomits at the time of anxiety, so this is also a reason which affects allot.
