View Full Version : Health anxiety- symptoms seem so real

03-09-2010, 09:32 AM
Hi there I am new to this forum Let me begin by saying I have had anxiety for 10 years or more- dx with anxiety and possible ocd. I went to a Dr last week who said I am a hypochondriac.
Four years ago I was pregnant with my 3rd child and I had a terrible nervous breakdown because I thought I had als- I had a lip twitch, googled it and read EVERYTHING about the disease I fear the most. I was forced on medication and I was improving, although the fears stayed with me although I felt able to function on a certain level. Well, two years after the initial scare I had a flare up and felt like my legs were heavy, like I was going to have to drag them, although that never happened. The feeling was so real, like my feet were dead weights and I was forcing myself to move around. I started a new medication and klonopin and over a couple months it seemed to really improve. I eventually was to a place where I didn't worry at all about the disease. Fast forward to today- I went off the medication thinking I didn't need it, then month after I started getting scared about feeling in legs. Now I am back to the als fear, that I am weak I am taking 20 mgs prozac now with 37.5 effexor which is being tapered. Here are my symptoms:
I feel like my legs are heavy at times when I get out of chair or get up.
I feel wobbly, shaky, like I have to think about the next move
When I walk I feel stiff, or like I have to really force myself to walk, and then my muscles start to hurt. It feels as though I cannot make myself move another step although I can continue to walk with discomfort
Then at times these feelings are gone- I am fine.
I jump up the stairs, do jumping jacks, hop on one foot repeatedly to test strength. I am able to run, and jump rope, skip
I am asking anyone who will listen- IS this in my head?? AM I creating these symptoms Why would anxiety make legs feel like this? Does anyone have this??
BTW I have been checked by docs and they say I am physically fine as far as they can see.
Would I be able to do jumping jacks etc but have clinical weakness? I am so scared any input would be so helpful.

03-13-2010, 02:16 PM
Sometimes I will be walking and all of a sudden get a thought of "OMG can I feel my legs? Will they keep working? How are they working? I pinch them to make sure I can feel them, even though I AM WALKING!!! I mostly focus on my heart and how it works, but when in public I will be anxious about my legs working...like everything else I worry about, I know its hypochondria and anxiety...it just still isnt fun :cry: