View Full Version : Need Help With Symptoms

03-06-2010, 08:06 PM
Hi Everyone,
I'm a 48 year old female who suffers with anxiety. I do not have a support system because I am the caregiver for a disabled son - my husband has long since checked out of the relationship although we're still married. This last week, I have been extremely jittery, like I drank 3 pots of coffee. The feeling comes and goes several times a day. I'm also finding myself thinking of horrible diseases that this might be related to. My doc has prescribed lorazapam and buspar which are still on the counter. I'm nervous about taking them. Has anyone had this jittery feeling?

Thanks for your help.

03-07-2010, 03:08 AM
the last 8 weeks now iv had awfull anxiet and one of the main things i get is that jittery feeling in my chest and stomach,
i could have it most of the day,
i was on medication and found it helped but the last week i stopped taking them and went to accupucture and found it helped iv my secound session tomorrow and looking forward to it ,
the acupucturist also has me on chinese herbal meds and i have to say im finding them great along with taking my vitimans ,
hope this helps abit.

03-09-2010, 12:17 AM
Hi Everyone,
I'm a 48 year old female who suffers with anxiety. I do not have a support system because I am the caregiver for a disabled son - my husband has long since checked out of the relationship although we're still married. This last week, I have been extremely jittery, like I drank 3 pots of coffee. The feeling comes and goes several times a day. I'm also finding myself thinking of horrible diseases that this might be related to. My doc has prescribed lorazapam and buspar which are still on the counter. I'm nervous about taking them. Has anyone had this jittery feeling?

Thanks for your help.

These may vary from person to person, but they all happen in the same way and for the same reason - the reason that we have the anxiety in the first place: to warn us of danger and help us deal with it or get away from it.

Physical anxiety symptoms include:

* Our breathing becomes more rapid
* Our heart beat speeds up
* We feel dizzy and light-headed
* We get 'butterflies' in our stomach
* We feel sick and/or need the toilet
* Our mouth becomes dry and it feels difficult to swallow
* We can experience profuse sweating
* We feel 'jittery' and 'jumpy' a feeling of being 'on-edge'
We need to realise that all the above symptoms are normal and natural. Indeed, when we experience these symptoms, there is nothing wrong with us; our body is, in fact, working perfectly. What is wrong, the core of anxiety disorders and depression, is the reason why we experience these symptoms. What in life are we
associating with danger and why?

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