View Full Version : What is a typical day like for you?

03-06-2010, 04:16 PM
I feel like everyone's life is so much better than mine, and that just adds to my anxiety.

For me...
I wake up at around 10.
Go to class at 11.
Go get coffee after my first class, then go back to school until 3.
Go home and surf the net, do homework, have panic attacks, study, etc.
Go to be at around 3.

I'm 20 btw.
This is so unhealthy...

03-08-2010, 09:31 PM
I feel like everyone's life is so much better than mine, and that just adds to my anxiety.

For me...
I wake up at around 10.
Go to class at 11.
Go get coffee after my first class, then go back to school until 3.
Go home and surf the net, do homework, have panic attacks, study, etc.
Go to be at around 3.

I'm 20 btw.
This is so unhealthy...

Hi soJACKedup,

Thanks for sharing.

That seems like a fairly typical day in anyone's books. I feel it is important to mix socialising into the mix too, even if just contact with people on the net. If you are happy with what you are doing I think it's perfectly normal however if you actually want to get out and about or participate in a hobby I would probably recommend forgoing the surfing the net and doing something different, even for only one night a week. Try to be spontaneous and just do something out of the norm, perhaps even do your study at a nice cafe or a park or something.

Once you finish school hopefully you will feel more liberated, at least you won't have the daily study sessions after school. Your life is not on a set path, you can do anything you want.

03-09-2010, 01:04 PM
okay um no

7:20am- wake up and get two kids ready for school and one dressed for the ride

8:30-10 clean up and take care of youngest

10-? work

come home clean more, get girls ready for bath and supper and bed

around this time its 8:30

Husband comes home we eat and then i clean up from that

wait for my youngest to go to bed which usually takes forever.........

then try to spend time with my husband before we go to bed which is usually around 1 am and then wake up and do it again...

im only 25

03-15-2010, 12:31 PM
My routine:

Get up at around 1030
Eat breakfast
Sit around on computer or tv
Around 1 eat lunch
If I work, I usually work sometime in the afternoon, to night
If I don't work, continue on computer or tv
Eat dinner
More computer, talking to people, the occasional friends house
Go to sleep around 2 - 3, because my panic attacks keep me up at night.
Rinse, repeat.

I'm 20. I feel like i'm in a complete rut. I work a terrible, low-paying job, and not being able to move out of my parents house only makes my anxiety worse. I just feel like my life is going nowhere fast, and my potential to do good in this world is being wasted.

03-16-2010, 10:23 PM
I feel like I could have wrote that last post word for word and I am a few years older than you. I sometimes sleep good, but sometimes I wake up from a good sleep and just panic like the dream was real or not at all. Im not sure, but maybe it's from soda because I drank a few cups of dew today and I am having a lil panic right now. Last time I had panic was when I had a few sodas that night when I went out to eat.

03-17-2010, 07:02 AM
Wake up around 6:30
Get ready for work (I pack my lunch, etc. the night before, so all I have to do is get dressed and brush my teeth)...
Meditate and do relaxation techniques until I leave at 7
Work...may or may not have anxiety / panic at work, but that's getting progressively better
Come home around 5:30...experience varying degrees of anxiety / panic up until around 9...after 9 I'm usually pretty calm and ready for sleep

I find that doing meditation and relaxation in the mornings before I start my day has made a difference, along with medication