View Full Version : Marriage getting tough with anxiety

03-05-2010, 09:17 AM
Hey everyone

Here is my story, just needed to vent, perhaps get a pal or two I can talk to on the regular to beat Anxiety.

So February 2009, I was home with my fiance and we went out back to smoke some weed (which we did once and a while). After smoking, the left side of my chest got really warm and really full and I thought I was having a heart attack, and went to call 911, and boom blacked out for 2 seconds then came back to. I spent the night in the hospital anyway, where they did stress test, ekg, heart monitor, blood work, and it all came back fine.

Fast Fwd to a week before Thanksgiving (I got married on October). It was a week before thanksgiving and I was playing basketball (like I always do). After I was done playing, i was having those same chest pains, but i didnt go to ER, i just slept it off.

But the pains didnt go away, I would always have a full, want to pop feeling in the left side of my chest, so I decided to go to the doc. The morning of, I woke up and all of a sudden, I couldnt walk, I was extremely dizzy. The doctor todl me to go to the hospital. Again, all chest work, and this time mri of brian, spine, neck, all good.

I get out of hospital and can't hold my head up and now had daily headaches (this goes on for 2 months).

I went to a Neruo and he did a full check up, ENG, cartoid doppler, cranstranial doppler, you name it, I had it done, not one thing wrong.

I saw a psychologist (who i didnt care for). She gave me paxil, which i took for a week, i hated how i felt and got off. And then Zoloft, but since i already had bad headaches, I stopped that within 2 weeks as well since I felt like it wasn't helping.

I've been accupuncture and Chircopractor and NOTHING is helping.

Every morning I take vitmin B complex, fish oil pill, grape seed extract and now i'm not valerian roots to try to be this naturally. I also excersize daily to help, but lately my chest has paralyzed me.

When I have a bad night, my whole body goes weak and I feel like I can't move.

So here I am today with chest pains just as worst as ever. Sometimes a full feeling, other times a caving in feeling. And my headaches still come on the regular, but not as bad.

I really would love to hear someone's story, or advise on how they beat it. I still feel like sometime is wrong with me and it's not anxiety, but my wife is screaming at me daily to see another psychologist as well as accept its anxeity.

It's just tough for me to believe bc I am very outgoing, I've played bball infront of thousands of people, I've played the saxophone as well infront of stages with no problem.

Someone talk to me, help!

I'll also give out my email if anyone wants to talk in private



03-05-2010, 02:45 PM

I wrote my story under "Sharp pains in heart... is this just anxiety related?" in the general discussion area (if you're interested).

I can relate to you completely with the significant other thing. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years, and we have the same problem. I am convinced that there is something medically wrong with me, and he claims that's crazy.

I do accept that I have anxiety, but the heart pains I experience feel like something much more serious - I also get chronic headaches, like you do.

It seems impossible that it could all be in your head (or caused by stress)... but maybe that is the case. Try to make yourself believe that, and you might accept it too.

It is bizarre.
