View Full Version : making an appointment- help please!

03-05-2010, 12:10 AM
I am really stuck right now and could use some advice.

For a long time I've lived with my anxiety by avoided most things that caused it to be an issue, but now I want to move forward with my life. I want to get a better job and an apartment, and my anxiety is holding me back.

I want to start getting help, and I even have information on psychiatrists in my area, but for months now I've been unable to call. I am terrified of making phone calls, and since I'm unfamiliar with how to go about making an appointment, the anxiety is even worse.

I need help with making the initial phone call. I don't know how to ask for help or to communicate what I need. I don't know what information I will need to offer and what information I will be prompted for.

The insurance part scares me too, but calling them for info scares me as well. I know I'm covered for biological based mental health issues, but does that include my anxiety? How does it all work.

I'd love for someone to maybe tell me how it was for them. Tell me about the process. I don't want to put this off any longer.

03-05-2010, 02:54 PM

I have been through the process several times.

If you already have the number for a psychiatrist, when you call you will be connected to their assistant (not the doctor). They will not ask you any questions about why you want to see a psychiatrist - if they do, you can simply say "I would prefer not to disclose that information." It really is none of their business, seeing as everything you say to your doctor is confidential by law. They probably won't ask anyways though.

You can just tell the assistant your insurance information, and I am pretty sure he/she will tell you whether or not it will work. It really depends on your plan. I am under my father's insurance, and it did not cover my psychiatry bills. However, a friend of mine was covered by her plan. You might even be able to figure this out online to avoid a phone call. Because you said you're covered for biological based mental health issues (which anxiety is, as is depression) you will most likely be covered. In that case, you might have to tell the insurance person that you have anxiety. You won't be pushed to answer personal questions though.

I used to have anxiety about calling people to make appointments etc. too. If you have a friend who knows about your issues, you could ask them to do it for you. If not, I would recommend preoccupying yourself during the call. If you smoke, have a cigarette and walk around. If not, just go for a walk. Tie knots with a shoelace. Something mindless to distract you a little.

You really should call though. I was just prescribed Xanax, and it's a real life saver. I have SERIOUS anxiety about taking medication of any kind (advil, etc.) but I just swallowed the pill and started watching a movie to not think about it as much. It works wonders.

Best of luck! I hope this was slightly helpful...


03-05-2010, 11:27 PM
i think its important for you too call , the sooner you can get in to see them the sooner you can start to understand what is going on and get on the road to recovery

if you feel you really cant do it do you have a close friend you can trust who knows how you feel who could make that call for you and maybe take you to your first appointment

if you dont im sure next time you see your doctor you could discuss the way you feel about this and get them to make the initial call for you

avoidence behaviour is the worst thing to do with anxiety, everytime we avoid something the next time we have to do it or think of doing it just gets harder again and reassures our fears, but your not alone in that behaviour its a common thing

good luck with it, hope you can get in soon to see a psychiatrist soon