View Full Version : Just went to the doctor.... I NEED ADVICE!!!

03-04-2010, 03:27 PM
So I've had an anxiety disorder since I was 12 years old, I am now 21 and within the past year my anxiety has started to come back. I was on paxil up until the fall of this year and am now on zoloft. I went to the doctor today to see if we could change something with my medication and she upped my dosage to 200, the maximum dose.

I've noticed that this year especially, I've been getting myself so nervous that I'll actually throw up. I wake up in the morning really nervous and then I try to calm myself down and as soon as I try to eat something it comes back up within an hour of me finishing it. Not to get too graffic, but I also have been having diarrhea too. The doctor took a blood test today to make sure that there isn't anything wrong with my thyroid glands.

If the test comes back negative, is it possible that the zoloft could be causing me to feel worse/more sick? I'm just sick of constantly increasing my dose. I'm only 100 lbs and 5 ft tall, which makes me think that this is just too much medicine to be pumping into me. But I really want to feel better. Any suggestions?

Also, I asked my doctor about hormone replacement therapy cause I told her I thought I might have an imbalance that was causing this, but she said that she thinks hrt is just a scam and that you can't have a hromone imbalance at this young of an age. Is this true? Thanks for reading

03-05-2010, 10:55 PM
Hi Mary

sorry to hear you are feeling this way

has sickness and upset stomach and more nervousness just come on since you have upped your dose ?

if so i would say it is from the extra medication, a lot of people have noticed feelings along these lines for the first 2 weeks or so of starting medication or increasing a dosage hopefully it should settle down for you very soon

i too take zoloft have only ever been on 100mg but have cut myself down to 50 mg a day , i have been lucky and not really noticed any side effects since taking it,

i have good days and bad days, so i don't really know if its the wonder drug for me or just more of a mind comfort thing knowing i am taking it

stick with it and if you find you are still feeling the same way consult your doctor again , maybe zoloft might not be the medication for you

03-08-2010, 08:55 PM
Thanks for your reply!
No the upset stomach and increased nervousness was before the dose was increased. Before this, I had been on 150 for a around 4 months. I think what I'm going to do is continue with the medicine for now, but I don't think that medicine in the long run is really helping me anymore, so once I graduate in the spring I'm going to try to taper off them and start some therapy and maybe have a xanax type pill on the side for every now and then when I need it. I just don't think that what is causing this has anything to do with my serotonine levels.
I've also just started on B vitamins and magnesium pills, which I've heard help a little with nerve health, so I'm hoping that starts to work for me!