View Full Version : Do you think its rational to miss school because of anxiety?

03-03-2010, 09:14 PM
I missed 2 days of school because of anxiety. I had a nervous breakdown on Sunday, so I didn't go to any of my classes Monday. I've been extremely panicky all week. I managed to go to class on Tuesday, since I only have 1 class, but then I missed classes again today. I feel horrible. I slept for literally 12 hours last night, so I just slept through all my classes. I honestly feel to crazy to go to class. Up until this past week I've been a really good student with almost straight As, but now they're plummeting. I feel like I want to explain this to my professors, but I don't even think they'll understand. I'm worried they'll just pass it off as me being lazy. :oops:

03-03-2010, 09:39 PM
I spent my entire year in college like that. It wasn't very fun. Contact your professors...this comes up quite often in college. You are at that age where many people experience debilitating anxiety and panic.

I missed 2 days of school because of anxiety. I had a nervous breakdown on Sunday, so I didn't go to any of my classes Monday. I've been extremely panicky all week. I managed to go to class on Tuesday, since I only have 1 class, but then I missed classes again today. I feel horrible. I slept for literally 12 hours last night, so I just slept through all my classes. I honestly feel to crazy to go to class. Up until this past week I've been a really good student with almost straight As, but now they're plummeting. I feel like I want to explain this to my professors, but I don't even think they'll understand. I'm worried they'll just pass it off as me being lazy. :oops:

03-04-2010, 02:26 PM
I would definitely tell your professors. I suffer from an anxiety disorder and have had to miss college classes before because of it. I've found that for the most part teachers are pretty understanding with it, I think it probably comes up enough that they become somewhat used to it. Good luck with everything!

03-04-2010, 02:45 PM
Good idea about talking to others about this.

Yes, bring this up with your professors. If you say nothing, that is the worst thing you can do. If you say something, most professors will understand and attempt to work with you, but some will not. You have good grounds for stating your case in that you have been an A student in the past, so this is something that is unusual and not part of your style.

Is it rational to miss class because of anxiety? I don't know the answer to that question, but it is definitely a warning sign that your anxiety needs your immediate attention. Your description of a "nervous breakdown" is definitely of concern as well. Maybe try talking to your school counselors and see what they say to help you get through this tough time.

In any event, I hope this helps, and please ask questions if you need further assistance.

03-05-2010, 05:35 PM
hi i used to skip high school because i felt panicky i get it really bad pounding racing heart chest pains till one day my parents made me go to school and wouldnt let me miss i never got over the anxiety about going to school tho it helped some tho im not a college student and dont know the pressure of college

03-06-2010, 12:06 AM
do you have a counciller or someone similar at your school / college ? if so i think it would be a good thing to talk to them, im sure if your grades are suffering that would be taken into consideration the way you are feeling

if you dont discuss this with them your grades will just come back down if you keep it to yourself
telling them the way you feel im sure they wont pass it off as you being lazy, i think its important that you talk to someone who can help you or point you in the right direction to start recoving from this

03-18-2010, 01:41 PM
I had a similiar experience. If you are active in the Counseling programs avaliable at your college a lot of times they can be very helpful with notifying your professor. This is an ailment and it can be debilitating. The best thing you can do however is attempt to go about your day as if you do not have anxiety. When someone told me this I look at them as if they were crazy. I know how hard it is I have suffered from anxiety for five years. However, I also believe that anxious people are the strongest individuals I know. We have to overcome horrible sensations to act "normal". Do the best you can and stop putting so much pressure on yourself! You will continue to do well becasue it is importnat to you.