View Full Version : Anticipation Anxiety

02-25-2010, 12:32 PM
Just finished writing a blog post about my current issues with anticipation anxiety. If anyone would like to take a look head over to http://www.unnervedonline.com

Any suggestions or ideas about dealing with anticipation anxiety would be great.

02-25-2010, 01:03 PM
Hi Unnerved

Interesting post on your site

My two scenarios i have always looked at are

Dad and son go to the fun park , they line up to go on the big dipper ..
The father is standing there , worrying , telling himself i am not going to like this , his heart rate is starting to rise , he is starting to feel bad , he starts to say to himself if i feel this bad now how will i feel when i get on that ride .

The son is standing behind him , he is moving around , cant stand still , his heart rate is rising

Whats the difference , NOT A THING . they are both going to have a ride but that father is panicing , because in is mind he is mostly likely focused on the dangers he knows might go wrong , he is focused on how bad he feels etc

The son , mate he dont care his excited and just wants to get his thrill .

You see the only difference is that one has place fear on it and the other has not learned fear yet .

Two twins go to the football , remember they have the same genes , one go for one team one gos for the other . Well when they leave one feels great and happy and the other feels down and poor . Why? Because one team had to lose and the loser has reacted to it different than the winning brother .

Although i do not belive anxiety is caused by the way we think , i do believe that it is kept going by the way we think . If we react to it with loss and fear then we become stuck and anxiety will keep going but if we react to it with knowleadge and understand and drive that we will get though it just as millions have before us , then this gives us hope and we will recover when over time .

So my tip to you is what you are going though is in the most parts normal

Is there some way to change my mindset so that I am excited rather than nervous? I think you answered your own question but dont see it , you are that father in the line at the ride , you are telling yourself that this is your anxiety , well its not its your exciment at having a little rug rat on its way. The only difference is what you are telling yourself and that is what you need to change . I am so excited , i am so anxiuos . Which one do you think is right ? Stop and think about it , dont buy into the rubbish you here and are telling yourself that you have anxiety and it is a bad thing , Everybody on the plant gets anxiety for many reasons , some call it a buzz exciment and others call it a living hell. Some keep it going with fear and others let it go as a natural thing the body is built to do . The reason your body is reaction to it long term is another story .

cheers and good luck kev :D