View Full Version : am i dying

02-24-2010, 01:04 AM
so here i am,...i thought i was having a good few days...yesterday i woke up and my arms felt heavy and dead..last night i didnt sleep cos my legs felt like they ached all night my back aches my neck shoulders and chest...im so scared i have cancer somewhere ravishing my body and its to late for them to help me pls reply im going crazy x

02-24-2010, 12:56 PM
Hi tinkerbell_11 :D

i thought i was having a good few days And who is it that is saying this YOU , and who is it that is saying that these good days are now gone YOU . See you did have good days and thats great it means your healing but dont fall into the trap of telling your self they didnt happen , they did you just said so . Bugger the bad days , yes they suck but you have to focus on the good ones , if you focus on the bad ones you will get more bad ones , but if you focus on the good ones it will do something , it will give you hope ,it will show you that you can have good days and the more you focus on them the more you will get . You dont ignor the bad ones but you put them in there place , you see them as nothing but a bad day . A day that will start again tommorow and get better from then on . Every body has bad days but anxiety makes you focus more on them , without anxiety you would just come home kick the cat and say sh&* i had a bad day today and go to bed and forget about it .

Lets take what i mean . Last week i have had maybe 4-5 hours sleep a night , so as you can guess im a bit tired. But last night i haad maybe 2-3 hours good sleep . Now i can sit here and focus on this , tell myslef Oh i had no sleep , i am going to have a bad day , how am i going to handle the day on next to no sleep or i can see it for what it is , I didnt sleep well and i might have a bad day but if i do i will worry about it then , if i need to take a 1/2 hour rest to get though the day i will . But i will not worry about something that i can fix so easily . See we have a chose but the problem is anxiety bluffs us it sucks us into this trap of saying Oh there has been so many days and tommorow will be the same , i cant handle this anymore , there will never be any good days again . Well hello Yesterday was but your not seeing that because anxiety is bluffing you .

yesterday i woke up and my arms felt heavy and dead..last night i didnt sleep cos my legs felt like they ached all night my back aches my neck shoulders and chest Stress effects your muscels that is all this is , nothing more and the more you stress about it the worst it will get , also these stressed muscels use many things when being stressed all the time , Try and get yourself some magnesium oil and apply daily , if you cant find this go and have a soak in the tub with some empson salts and dont tell me you cant find the time , its your health we are talking about Find the time . Most people are low in magnesium and then we add stress on top of this so i would we are all low in it .

im so scared i have cancer somewhere ravishing my body and its to late for them to help me Your scared and that sucks , i have been there and hate anyone having to go though it but i doubt you have cancer , cancer from what i understand is very easy to detect with one blood test but measuring your blood cell count , so if you had one and they havent found anything then you dont have cancer , and if you havent had a test then go have one to put your mind at rest .

Scared , fear . Let me give you a tip that came to me , this is a symptom of flight and fright , nothing more nothing less . In fact its not even fear . What it is is you are nervey , on edge . Why ? Because you are in flight and fight mode and your body is made , built or born to find this danger , but because it cant see it as it is either what you are telling it ( eg cancer ) or it is from within ( low vits ) then it is looking for it . It is on edge waiting for that problem to show. But it wont show untill you tell it what it is , only then will you be able to work on repairing it . See i know you might be having trouble understand how stress can cause all these problems and many people do , but it is and because you dont fully understand that you telling your sub brain other things and keep the circle going . You need to be saying something along the lines of I have anxiety , i accept i have anixety , i know it will take time to heal , i will have good days and bad , but i understand you and i will not live in fear of you any more . I shall just focus on the now , on today and let tommorow be what it will be .

You can have anxiety without all this mental crap that goes with it , but you need to see it for what it is . I have stress , i dont sleep , my brain gets tired , i buzz , i twitch etc but i see it as nothing more than stress and a stress that i will work on untill i heal no matter how long it takes. See because i accept it as that i dont feed into this fear and scared crap , yes stress sucks but thats life , i pushed it to hard and am now paying the cost and will till i heal but i dont have any anxiety about it because i see it as stress and stress alone .

cheers kev :D

02-24-2010, 01:12 PM
thanks kev...i was just feeling sorry for myself this morning i dont like all these new feelings and pains i get...the cancer scaring is because my mum kept going to the drs and they kept telling her all was wrong with her was tennis elbow and 3 months later she was dead of lung cancer i dont smoke never have and i had a lung xray which was normal...but im scared the dr is missing something..