View Full Version : New to this!!! Any help welcome

'Half Empty'
02-23-2010, 03:05 PM
Hi people.
I have just registered on here hoping to find some reassurance. I have struggled with anxiety for years and only just started to accept i may have a disorder. If indeed it is anxiety??

It is in recent weeks it has got increasingly more difficult to deal with. On the face of it i 'have the world at my feet', getting married this year and have a little girl, good job, nice home, new cars etc etc

Three years ago my previous marriage ended and my little lad was taken some 130 mies away. Within 2 weeks he called another man daddy and the contact with him refused. The court battle began. I now see him and travel over 500 miles every time i go.
Although i am more settled in my relationship and family life than ever before, All this seems to amount to Panick attacks, difficulty breathing,insecuurity, neediness, chest pain, mood swings, inpatience Sometimes i am thinking of things that upset me. Other times it just comes on and i cant control it. When it happens, life ends and panic kicks in.
At the risk of me sounding soft 'Im scared'.
Would i be right in thinking that the only people that understand are those who suffer from it??
Please help!!!

02-23-2010, 03:40 PM
I'm not sure that anyone who doesn't experience something for themselves can understand what others go through. My wife has panic attacks that I've experienced, and I experience intense social anxiety at times.

It seems that, while you are more settled than ever before, there still is a ton of stress present. After all, someone else is raising your child, which has to be very stressful. What I learned in my own life when I thought I was doing well is that yes I was doing well in comparison to the past, but then as I learned more, "doing well" changed. So yes, I think you are right, you are more settled than ever before, but I would encourage you to investigate everything that is bothering you. All those bothersome things can add up to panic attacks, including ones that come on for no seemingly good reason. As you learn to deal with those things, you will find that your panic attacks will become fewer and less intense each time.

Good luck and ask further questions if you need to!

02-23-2010, 08:02 PM
Hi people.
I have just registered on here hoping to find some reassurance. I have struggled with anxiety for years and only just started to accept i may have a disorder. If indeed it is anxiety??

It is in recent weeks it has got increasingly more difficult to deal with. On the face of it i 'have the world at my feet', getting married this year and have a little girl, good job, nice home, new cars etc etc

Three years ago my previous marriage ended and my little lad was taken some 130 mies away. Within 2 weeks he called another man daddy and the contact with him refused. The court battle began. I now see him and travel over 500 miles every time i go.
Although i am more settled in my relationship and family life than ever before, All this seems to amount to Panick attacks, difficulty breathing,insecuurity, neediness, chest pain, mood swings, inpatience Sometimes i am thinking of things that upset me. Other times it just comes on and i cant control it. When it happens, life ends and panic kicks in.
At the risk of me sounding soft 'Im scared'.
Would i be right in thinking that the only people that understand are those who suffer from it??
Please help!!!

I do think only people who have had it can truly understand it, other people might be able to get a vague understanding but not really know what its like. They often just think your being silly and irrational being worried by things that they dont worry about but until you have experienced the fear and dread that than come over you its only ever just a concept.

Being settled life doesnt really stop you from having anxious thoughts or destructive thought patterns it helps but it doesnt stop it. Personally I have times when a thought can come to me and I can dismiss it without worry, other times it will hang around and cause me to stress and another time it can tip my anxiety into overdrive. The trick is developing your skills in dismissing them and not giving over to them.

Once you except all your symptoms are nothing more then anxiety caused your half way there, you realise they cant hurt you and you can dismiss them.